Crikey presents: “A Penny For Your Thoughts”. A highlight reel of the audience’s reaction to Alan Jones’ National Press Club address from October 19.
Crikey presents: "A Penny For Your Thoughts". A highlight reel of the audience's reaction to Alan Jones' National Press Club address from October 19.
article-article-bodyCrikey presents: “A Penny For Your Thoughts”. A highlight reel of the audience’s reaction to Alan Jones’ National Press Club address from October 19.
“fed the australian people for the last 200 years” – er, make that the last 10,000? there were people here before the invasion, mr white person.
1:40 – i’d hit it.
2:40 – oh yeah!
3:02 – ubecha!
Good on you jonsey. Never thought wild I had breath I could say that. For the Vid mash-up it was pretty sh*thouse but sadly Jonsey is right. In fact 100% right.
Can you imagine what that means if Jones is right. Yes you bet they will mine the whole bloody thing. Near the Hume hwy past berrima the stooge law firm as some nominee for the miner bought 1200 acres to put a coal mine in the southern highlands, last month for the coal head and stock pile.
For the first time in my life I feel like my life is out of control. Literally undermined.
Mine mine mine will soon replace farm farm farm.
Who owns the mines, not Australians for sure
The oldest continent in the world, the greatest space per person, the biggest Island is about to be one big mine. I will be dead before they kill it completely, I pity my kids.
Makes you feel like a blackfella doesn’t it “By the Sea”? Do you understand what they are talking about now?
Do I have to Mum? OK, I admit that when I heard him on 7.30 report he sounded like a reasonable, polite human being who was making a quite well argued case. At the least the first 10 minutes as I switched off after that…
Mind you he didn’t actually have to answer any real questions in that 10 minutes or put up with a bumptious, rude, over-opinionated loud mouth bullyboy talking over him or interrupting every few minutes to tell him he’s an idiot and doesn’t know what he is talking about!
I can’t believe I’m saying this but on this subject Alan Jones is right.