After this:
Kevin Rudd, May 2007: “Work should progress on developing a national emissions trading scheme starting no later than 2010. With the detailed design finalised by the end of 2008 … It is economically irresponsible for any government or any business to ignore the need for action.”
And this:
John Howard, 2007 election: “We have established a committee which recommended the introduction of an ETS. And work is well underway to introduce that by 2011. It will be the most comprehensive ETS anywhere in the world.”
And this:
Tony Abbott, July 2009: “I suspect that a straight carbon tax or charge could be more transparent and easier to change if conditions change or our understanding of the science changes.”
And this:
Tony Abbott, July 2009: “Opposing the legislation in the Senate ultimately could make poor policy even worse because the government could negotiate a deal with the Greens. Alternatively, after several months in which political debate focuses on climate change and opposition obstructionism, the government could call a double-dissolution election on the issue of who’s fair dinkum about trying to save the planet.”
And this:
Malcolm Turnbull, May 2009: “Common sense and prudence, the importance of getting this right, of pursuing a practical outcome that is effective for the environment and does not destroy jobs, demands that the decision on the scheme and on the final design of the scheme should be postponed until after Copenhagen.”
And this:
Kevin Rudd, April 2009: Climate change is “the greatest moral, economic and social challenge of our time”.
And this:
Malcolm Turnbull, July 2009: “Amending the ETS to address these issues will take some time and if the government ignores these legitimate concerns and insists on a vote on its ETS in its current form on August 13, the Coalition will vote against the Bill. If the government amends its ETS to put in place these crucial improvements, I will seek, and am confident of obtaining, the support of the Coalition party room for the amended scheme.”
And this:
Kevin Rudd, April 2010: [After announcing an ETS had been put on hold until 2012] “That will provide the Australian government at the time with a better position to assess the level of global action on climate change.”
And this:
Christine Milne, April 2010: “Why does the prime minister prefer to have no price on carbon at all than to negotiate in good faith with the Greens? The Rudd government is clearly trying to get climate off the agenda before the election. Either the prime minister was not genuine when he said climate change was the great moral challenge of our time or he lacks the courage to take the action necessary.”
And this:
Julia Gillard, August 2010: “There will be no carbon tax under the government I lead.”
And this:
Julia Gillard, February 2011: “Yes, I did say that [no carbon tax] and circumstances have changed … Effectively I am in that same position. I am making some changes in order to work with the parliament that Australians voted for.”
And this:
Julia Gillard, October 2011: [After legislation passed the House of Representatives] “Today is a significant day, it’s a significant day for Australians today and the Australians of the future who want to see a better environment … It’s a reform the nation’s been talking about for more than 10 years. This is a significant day for Australians who want a cleaner environment.”
And this:
Tony Abbott, October 2011: “We will repeal this tax, we will dismantle the bureaucracy associated with it … I am giving you the most definite commitment any politician can give that this tax will go. This is a pledge in blood this tax will go. If the bills pass today this will be an act of betrayal on the Australian public. We will repeal the tax, we can repeal the tax, we must repeal the tax.”
And finally this:
ABC News Online: “The Federal Government’s carbon pricing legislation has been passed by the Senate, clearing the way for the plan to take effect from the middle of next year.”
Now that wasn’t that hard, was it?
This is one beautiful baby. Thank you to all who conceived, gestated and supported through birthing pains. Now let’s nurture to maturity.
And Tony has run off to his Tory mates in England!!!!!
Didn’t Tony’s Tory mates offer encouraging and complimentary comments a couple months ago regarding the Clean Energy Bill? Ouch.
“Your announcement sends a strong and clear signal that Australia is determined to make its contribution to addressing this challenge. It will add momentum to those, in both the developed and developing world, who are serious about dealing with this urgent threat.”
David Cameron to Julia Gillard.
Not David Cameron to Tony Abbott.
Oh well.
Perhaps MM will respond to Cameron’s approval the way he did to the economists who queried his, various, ‘proposals’ – I paraphrase”that reflects more on the ability of economists more than our idea”.
Doesn’t DO criticism, y/our Tone. Or nuance, or thought, or evaluation, or….anything else except oppose.