It’s becoming almost an annual ritual. Another United Nations climate change conference, another report showing how far the world is from tackling global warming effectively — and another leak of hacked emails from the University of East Anglia.
What made the latest “climategate” revelations interesting was not their content — there was no evidence to overturn the independent review’s exoneration of the university’s scientists last year — but the leakers’ evident belief that the UN conference that started on Monday in South Africa, is worth destabilising in this way. While the target of the original controversy, the summit in Copenhagen two years ago, was clearly going to be a decisive moment for global action on climate change, this year’s gathering in Durban was not. On the contrary, in recent months Western governments have been busy lowering expectations. Did the leakers know something most of the world doesn’t?
Perhaps they did. For Durban might just turn out to be a more significant moment than we first thought.
Let’s recall the state of play. The Copenhagen conference in December 2009 had been billed as the moment when the international community would agree on a new climate change treaty to succeed the Kyoto Protocol in 2012. Under the pressure of expectation, almost every country in the world adopted new climate targets, many of them highly ambitious. But the negotiations themselves broke down and even a non-binding “Accord” could not be agreed.
Then, in Cancun last year, order was restored: a series of decisions brought both the Copenhagen targets and a new framework of rules and institutions under UN agreement. For the first time, the overall goal of limiting global warming to 2ºC above pre-industrial times was enshrined, and countries committed to a review of their emissions reduction pledges by 2015.
Yet it is already clear what the latter process will show: those pledges are not sufficient to meet the 2ºC goal. Last week’s Bridging the Emissions Gap report from the UN Environment Programme sets out the evidence starkly. To have a likely chance of staying below 2 degrees of warming, the world will need to be producing emissions of no more than 44 gigatonnes (GT CO2e) by 2020.
But even if every country implemented its commitments to their maximum extent, emissions will be 50 GT CO2e by then. And if implementation is weak, they could be as much as 55 GT CO2e. So the emissions gap in 2020 will be at least 6 GT and could be up to 11 GT. This suggests that the world is currently on course not for a 2ºC rise but for one more likely to be 3-5ºC, which in terms of human and ecological impact would enter the terrain of the catastrophic.
The UNEP report is at pains to point out that this gap is not inevitable. It analyses a series of methods by which emissions in 2020 could be brought back to the 2ºC path — through lower carbon energy production and transport, energy efficiency and reductions in deforestation, and by cutting emissions from international aviation and shipping, which are not counted in national pledges.
But action will need to be rapid: as the International Energy Agency warned in a parallel report, also published this month, the world has only about five years to start investing in low-carbon technologies at the required rate. By 2017, if fossil fuel investment retains its current dominance, the world will have locked in future emissions so far that the 2ºC path will become unattainable. Meanwhile, global emissions rose again last year as global growth bounced back after the slump of 2009. Indeed, the IEA shows that it is not just total emissions that are increasing but, even more worryingly, emissions intensity: the world is using more energy to produce each unit of output than in previous years, not less.
With this alarming backdrop, what can the Durban conference achieve? Well, the first thing to be said is that it won’t see any countries pledging deeper cuts in their emissions. As Australia has amply demonstrated, the cuts already on the table were hard-won enough, and if there were any lingering appetite for more, the West’s economic crisis has eliminated it.
Most of the negotiations in Durban will therefore be about implementing the decisions made in Cancun: establishing a new Green Fund to channel financial assistance from rich to poorer countries to help them tackle climate change; setting up new mechanisms for adaptation to global warming and the transfer of low-carbon technologies; and getting revenues from aviation and shipping emissions into the global funding regime.
Meaningful progress on each of these is possible in Durban; but it is on the largest and thorniest issues of all — the future of the Kyoto Protocol and the prospect of a new legally binding treaty — that attention is beginning to focus. And much to many people’s surprise, a possible deal is beginning to emerge.
A few months ago, Kyoto seemed to be in its death throes. At Copenhagen the developed country signatories had had a chance to renew their commitments beyond their current expiry date of 2012. But they refused: repeating their longstanding complaint that Kyoto covered less than a fifth of the world’s emissions (and falling), they pressed for a comprehensive treaty including all major emitters, including the United States and China.
But the big four emerging economies (China, India, Brazil and South Africa — the so-called BASIC group) rejected not merely the form of a new treaty but even the idea, deleting the ultimate goal of a “legally binding outcome” from the Copenhagen Accord’s conclusions. Developing countries would not be forced into “legal equivalence” with the developed countries historically responsible for global warming: it was only the latter that must be bound by international law. Developing countries, BASIC insisted, had only voluntary obligations compatible with their right to pursue development.
For many observers, that seemed the end. With both the United States and the big developing countries opposed to a new treaty, the top-down Kyoto model of negotiated legal commitments appeared to have run its course. We were now in a world of “pledge and review,” of bottom-up policies in every country, at best loosely aggregated into a global reporting system. Not long after, Japan, Russia and Canada all announced that they would not be putting their emissions reduction commitments into a second (post-2012) commitment period of Kyoto. The nails were prepared for its coffin.
Yet over the last few weeks, remarkably, the corpse has been twitching.
No, nothing will happen and you should stop living in willful ignorance.
The wheels are falling off the AGW scam and the “emissions trading” designed to enrich Malcolm Turnbull, Al Gore, their mates at Goldman Sachs and the white-coated parasites who are desperate to protect their big paying jobs, lavishly funded by hardworking, ordinary people.
Let’s place this article in stasis for a week or so and see what actually eventuates from Durban.
I tend to pessimism / realism in this area, but we shall see, you may turn out to be right, but I won;t be putting money on it.
Durban won’t be the last place that pius hope will be mugged by a nasty realpolitik reality
I’m with MJ. Hoping for the best but expecting nothing. They will all contend it will cost their economies too much.
For the record how much will a temperature increase of 3 – 5c cost? Answer – doesn’t matter, another generation.
Where do you begin with this subject? Neoliberalism has failed!!! Free Market Environmentalism has failed. We now have China creating money out of thin air to buy into the Australian housing market under the guise of a new hedge fund. I’m sure Wendi Murdoch and Rupert Murdoch are not complaining about this financial instrument.
Giving powers to other countries who can then shrink our money supply and cause economic turmoil through deflation in all areas of economics or finance is the stupidiest thing ever thought of.
Paul Keating warned what would happen under a GST. Instead of innovating companies have combating inflation and living off Milton Friedman’s free lunch. The great Libertarian/Cato Institute hero of Modern Economics Ideas are finally receiving the right treatment.
How does protecting corporations through a tax promote new business development?
Paying taxes to corporations is Facism!!!! the goal of ALEC which get’s little coverage in the mainstream press.
These people are more interested in running the Military Complex. I don’t see many Australians asking how did John Howard keep taxes so low. How many government bonds did John Howard sell to pay for 2 WARS? I don’t see Australians demanding price and wage controls even in an age of rampant printing of money in the name of recapitalising the banks. So if this the practice of the bankings system what is the point of anything? How can a small business have any significance? The Western economies have deindustrialised so it a 3rd world problem. Paying taxes for new mining techniques such as fracking have woken this country up finally after years of say nothing do nothing politicans selling wars and the printing presses!!!!!!!
Milton Friedman has come unstuck and how long issueing bonds after bonds will maintain a world in turmoil who knows but Rupert Murdoch will do anything to defend the printing presses and sell what ever it takes in every country.
Let’s hope a real inquiry into the Murdoch Family can be achieved and all the mistakes of the last 30 years in Australia can be worked through.