Victorian arts bodies in grab for cash. It’s not just NSW arts bodies desperate for their allocation of cash, as we reported last week. In Victoria, funding-starved theatre groups are questioning the Baillieu government about delays in announcing ongoing multi-year funding agreements. As one industry player points out, less than a month before the beginning of the funding period, it’s “pretty hard to plan and budget for the coming year for the small-to-medium arts sector”. The following message was dispatched by Theatre Network Victoria to its members:

Hi Colleagues,

Many of you will be aware that the Arts Victoria Multi-year funding has not yet been announced, nor has Arts Development (and a small number of Annual Operations). We understand that there is surprise at the lack of noise from the industry, so we are encouraging you to write to Arts Victoria, and/or the Arts Adviser or Arts Minister, to question the delay, and to explain why the delay is causing concern for your organisations.

Facebook: some of you can disrobe. Facebook isn’t offended by every naked male torso, just selected ones. We reported yesterday Sydney theatre company Belvoir had its advertisement for racy play Thyestes banned for featuring a topless bloke. But as one Crikey reader points out, there’s plenty of other half-naked men in Facebook ads. This one, for example:

PM speechwriter: we woz wrong.We said yesterday Carl Green was in the frame to join Julia Gillard as speechwriter. As many of you pointed out, Green already works in the PM’s office. “Sloppy work Crikey,” chastised one reader. Fair cop.

Xmas party watch #1: a flying start. We’re starting to get jealous at all the stories of lavish summer celebrations for corporate offices around Australia. Apparently it pays to work in recruitment:

“Recruitment consulting is still far off from the heady days of 06/07 but after some good results in public sector and mining recruitment assignments this year, our CEO has opted to fly the entire Brisbane and Adelaide offices (of a mid-tier firm) to Melbourne for a swanky dinner at a bayside restaurant. We get the day off and flights are paid for, though we all have to sort out own accommodation — nonetheless, it’s a nice reward after a frenetic year.”

Xmas party watch #2: seeya, suckers. And then there’s just rubbing it in. Canberra-based ad agency Zoo Creative made the mistake of emailing all their clients last week that the whole office was heading to Hamilton Island. As one spy reports, this came in the same week that many clients — including federal government departments — had just been told to cut staff to meet an extra 2.5% efficiency dividend:

From: ‘Clinton Hutchinson’
Sent: Tuesday, 29 November 2011 5:24 PM
To: Xxxxxx, Xxxxx
Subject: We’re taking a short break

Dear Clients,

On the 8th and 9th of December 2011, everybody at ZOO Advertising will be taking a two day break.

It’s been a busy year for ZOO, so to say a big thank you to all of our staff we’re taking everyone to Hamilton Island to relax, unwind and sip drinks with miniature umbrellas that — I can only assume — stop our cocktails from getting burnt.

The plan is, as well as avoiding sunburn, everyone will come back feeling fresh and extra imaginative, ready for 2012.

However, this means we won’t be open on these two days, but we will re-open again as usual on Monday 12 December until our Christmas closure on the Friday 23 December.

Yours sincerely,

Clinton Hutchinson

P.S In the event of an emergency, please contact our office on our normal number (xxxx xxxx) and your call will be diverted to somebody who will be able to help you.

Clinton Hutchinson
Partner/Managing Director

Keep your tales of corporate Yuletide coming: drop us a line or use the highly anonymous form.

CORRECTION: The original version of this story claimed Gerard Henderson attended the Wharf Revue theatrical show on Thursday. He did not. Our tipster has been shot and we humbly apologise for the imputations in the item.