Not too many bouquets for the Prime Minister for the last big piece of political news of the year, the reverse musical chairs of the ministry reshuffle which saw two more chairs brought into the Cabinet room as all the old kids refused to stop playing to let the new kids in.

Media comment was generally unflattering, with the initial spin of more female presentation and the first woman Attorney-General being quickly swamped by the feeling that the compromises in the reshuffle had diminished the PM’s power rather than increased it.

The reshuffle certainly made for a different index this week with Shorten up to fourth, the only non-factional heavy appointment to Cabinet Tanya Plibersek up into the top ten, and the man most were calling the balance to Shorten’s rapidly increasing power, Greg Combet, close behind and the factional Marks not far behind him. When was the last time someone got the good fun of being Sports Minister while having a serious portfolio as well? Geez he must be good. Meanwhile Kevin likes Kim, and we presume Kim is fonder of Kevin by the minute.

Roxon and Shorten, dubbed the big winners from the reshuffle, also had social media channels humming with chatter. Talkback and online commentators had a bit to say about Tony Abbott’s stance on same-s-x marriage and his refusal to give his party a conscience vote on the issue.

Ok, he seems quite attractive and lots of people like him, but does he have to flog those silly little pellets?