The citizens of Pyongyang react to the death of Kim Jong-il with some rather bizarre public weeping.
North Korea weeps for its leader
The citizens of Pyongyang react to the death of Kim Jong-il with some rather bizarre public weeping.
No doubt its the easier, safest option to ensure one continues breathing…..cry like a babe or be hauled away by the law, be it secret police or army to spend the rest of ones days doing had labour and starving to death or take the quick way and hope for a bullet in the head. Yep to be seen weeping openly and loudly is the preferred method to survive…I find it interesting to see just who the camera seek out to film doing the weeping and wailing…no sign of any peasants, no starving millions hidden away in the country and mountains.
Kim Jong Il was a barbaric, despot, murdering thug…good bloody riddance. Two down, one to go and this baby whale doesn’t look too capable of fathering an heir to the dynasty. Of course there are ways and means in that department as well.
Propaganda in overdrive. Just goes to show what years of brainwashing can do.
Hardest I’ve laughed all year.
North Korea: the place where even having a quiet cry in the corner could be seen as an act of treason. You have to get your weeping on in public, just to show you mean it.
That is rather funny but in the bowing poses the people also remind me of muslims at prayer. Similarly brainwashed in my opinion. And i’m not being selective about muslims. Most religions inspire a similar degree of irrational behaviour. So while we think its funny happening in North Korea you don’t have too look too far to find similar blind adherence all around us.