Bligh gets the printers rolling again. Many Queensland local government candidates have already had their election material printed up, we’re told — before Anna Bligh went and changed the date to account for recalling the flood inquiry. So it’s back to the printers they go. Who will pick up the tab for that?
God bothers v deniers: propaganda war. Religious groups are preparing to rally against this year’s Global Atheist Convention, being held April 13-15 in Melbourne. With a stellar line-up of God-deniers led by Richard Dawkins and featuring ethicist Leslie Cannold, S-x Party pollie Fiona Patten and Twitter rabble-rouser Catherine Deveny, creationists are preparing for a fight. We’re told a newspaper edition will be distributed to all fundamentalist churches to unite the faithful against the coming hordes of atheists. Sounds like a biblical battle.
Australia Day spirit: kill politicians. A Crikey reader sent in this nuanced and charming political message on a shop front in Southport on the Gold Coast:
TV star trashes his own home? Via this morning’s 3AW Rumour File: “Caller says a high-profile TV presenter with a history of domestic problems has gone on a rampage at his residence.” Who might that be …?
On the Bligh printers, I am sure the taxpayer will. They will claim under electoral allowance
How disappointing not to see Professor Bart Ehrman’s name on the list of speakers at the Global Atheist Convention. Ehrman, a former evangelical Christian and now agnostic professor of religious studies at the U of North Carolina, must surely be one of the most well-researched biblical scholars around.
“The Bible not only contains untruths of accidental mistakes. It also contains what almost anyone today would call lies,” Ehrman writes in “Forged: Writing in the Name of God — Why the Bible’s Authors Are Not Who We Think They Are,” which was published in 2011.
“….from the first century to the twentieth century, people who have called themselves Christian have seen fit to fabricate, falsify, and forge documents, in most instances in order to authorize views that they wanted others to accept,” writes Ehrman.