ABC podcasts: the audience grows. The ABC often cites the popularity of its podcasts as a new and growing audience on top of radio listeners. But just how popular are they? ABC Radio head Kate Dundas sent an internal memo to staff late last week with some interesting figures:

“There were 5.9 million downloads in December (3.8 million in December 2010) and the total for the year is 63.9 million  (49.9 million last year — a 28% increase). If you break it down there was some very impressive stats — +35% for Classic FM; +69% for Local Radio; +118% for NewsRadio; +16% for RN and +19% for triple j.”

So, pretty bloody popular then. That’s well over 1.2 million a week, or more than 175,000 each and every day. Who says radio is dead? — Glenn Dyer

Stevens lands with a thud at Fin. You may have heard Matthew Stevens had defected from The Australian to muse on business for The Australian Financial Review. If not, you sure knew it reading the AFR today, where you’ll find his first column. Is this the biggest photo byline ever?

We trust media more, but think politicians are lying

“Public trust in the Australian media has increased significantly, while trust in the Government has fallen, a survey published today by PR agency Edelman suggests.” — mUmBRELLA

COO resignation at Nine worries investors

“Nine Entertainment and hedge fund investors in the company’s $2.7 billion of senior debt have crossed swords over the resignation of Nine chief operating officer and finance director Pat O’Sullivan.” — The Australian

Paparazzo finds $3.8 million from ACP in account

“An Australian paparazzo received the surprise of a lifetime recently when magazine publisher ACP Media mistakenly deposited a whopping $3.8 million into his bank account.” —

UK Daily Mail editor calls for new certifying system

“The editor in chief of the Daily Mail has called for a new system of certifying journalists, with tough sanctions for those who fall below acceptable standards or break the law.” — The Guardian

After a year, tablet Daily is a struggle

“One year ago Rupert Murdoch took the stage at the Guggenheim Museum and with much fanfare introduced a News Corporation publication that, in the words of the Apple executive Eddy Cue, would ‘redefine the news’. A year later, it has not quite done that.” — The New York Times

How journos are giving us the economic news we want

“The Project for Excellence in Journalism found that the economy was the top story in US media in 2011, and has been for the past three years. But Pew research shows that people still want more financial news.” — Poynter