News Limited CEO Kim Williams dispatched this missive to company staff this morning …
Last week most of News Limited’s senior leaders from across Australia gathered so I could brief them on the views I have been developing about the issues in our company and our future priorities.
At the session I outlined the direction and broad governing vision for the ongoing transformation program for News Limited. I have been developing this program with the Executive Team in order to respond in a connected, appropriate, fashion to the incredibly competitive, rapidly changing world in which we all live. Our mission is to see the company prosper and thrive in that environment and to ensure it does so through adopting fresh and relevant approaches that are relevant to the needs of consumers and advertisers.
Our divisional leaders have been briefing their senior teams this week and there will be a series of communications in the next few months which will describe that transformation journey and its priorities. In the meantime I thought you might appreciate some insight into the challenges I have set for the senior leadership team.
There is no doubt our business model is being reshaped by truly mighty forces affecting all processes of exchange and communication in society.
This new world brings enormous opportunity — if we are smart, and agile in our responses then we will flourish. We must relish the challenges we confront and drive ahead with confident responses built on close attention to consumers as our true north at all times.
We start from a position of strength, with a stable of Australia’s strongest media brands and as the single largest seller of advertising by value in the country. No one can match our reach; for example, we touch over six million consumers each and every week with our magnificent Sunday network.
The key to our ongoing success will be seen in ensuring every one of us puts customers at the heart of everything we do. For our editorial teams, this means our consumers. For our sales teams, our advertisers, and for support functions like HR and IT, it means for our own people.
Similarly, we must be data and outcome-driven in our planning, aiming to satisfy customers in all our decisions. We must ensure we take the right actions in the secure knowledge of where our customers’ preferences and aspirations lie.
There are two important corollaries to our customer commitment and focus on data and its reflection in our results-driven planning. First, that we will provide the best quality journalism and compelling content and second, that we will invest in engaging and developing the capabilities of our people. The importance of our journalistic quest for the best, and similarly to develop our people, is self evident to our future success.
We must work as one united company, delivering ever better products across a diverse range of technologies, each with different characteristics meeting different consumer needs.
Finally we must ensure we are at all times accountable for our plans and the outcomes from our actions. That accountability in pursuit of agreed objectives will be dependent on individuals stepping up to take responsibility for their own actions and the outcomes that follow from them.
You will all have seen last week’s shared service announcements for Production, HR and sub-editing. The intention here is to allow us to achieve functional excellence in these areas whilst liberating the divisions to focus on their consumers, advertisers and communities. We have to ensure our products reflect a personality and commitment; I have described to senior executives how we must be ‘of, from, about, and above all, for the community’. Our community connections and responsibilities need thoughtful and constantly vigilant focus.
These priorities reflect what is required of the executive leaders and all our teams across the country: to have a laser-like focus on our customer needs and to empower each other to make informed decisions that will benefit the whole company as it undertakes a substantial change to better reflect compelling responses to our changed world.
In the coming weeks I will be finalising our business strategy with your executive colleagues. That process will include many elements about which we will run a regular communications program. Those elements will reflect structural changes, clearly defined business goals and commercial targets, a practical set of company values, and a substantial transformation in our systems and behaviours.
I am eager to ensure this transformation provides a clear road map and clarity on the objectives which underpin it, so that we can all constructively engage with it. From mid 2012 we will launch a new national intranet. It will contain helpful information, resources and tools to enable you to do your job better and feel better informed about News. The intranet will play a central role in future communications — hosting news about the company with executive updates which will include video messages.
When the annual planning process is complete I will be going on a nationwide presentation trip to outline the business strategy directly.
Clearly it is going to be impractical to visit every single one of our sites, but I will get to as many as possible.
From next month I will be setting time aside for meetings with groups of randomly chosen staff to discuss life and work at News and to discuss things we do well and areas where there is room for improvement. I see that dialogue as being a central part of the change program. My intention is to create an open and responsive culture where constructive exchange and the search for improvement is never ending.
Everyone in the company should feel informed and engaged in this journey as it is central to our future. I will talk more about exactly what that means in my presentations and video updates which will start from April/May.
A key message I left the leadership team with last week is how genuinely honoured I am to be here to lead the process of addressing the many substantial challenges we confront. I am reinforced in that view in having the knowledge that we have such strong committed leaders and team members across Australia. Frankly I wouldn’t swap this role or the challenges it provides for anything else!
As ever, your thoughts or comments are welcome, so please do not hesitate to send an email with any feedback or suggestions for consideration as we enter a remarkable era which will reflect renewed energetic devotion to our customers with continuing commitment to innovation in the diverse products we produce.
With every good wish,
If only this was a parody of meaningless corporate verbosity…
“First, that we will provide the best quality journalism ….”
So that’s a fail then.
The first thing you need to do Kim is figure out how to dealienate the 30% or so of us who’ve vowed, ‘Murdoch will never get a cent of my money!’
BTW, if you want to get past the Oz’s paywall – just copy the headline of the article you’re interested in and paste it into the search box at the top of the Google News page. Hasn’t failed me yet:-)
Fab. KW is now data driven! And News Ltd is about community!! I am thinking of that first sight of the robot in The Day the Earth Stood Still. Eeeek.
This guy is the CEO and he believes that the quality of the journalists is going to pull News Ltd out of the circulation spiral?
Ruperts in more strife than I thought or even hoped for.