In the school of bat country crazy, this American “analyst” graduates with flying colours. Tune into her commentary — replete with photographic evidence — explaining that Barack Obama has been possessed by a reptilian alien. “This is our tax dollars at work. Implanting our president,” she says.
Proof Obama is possessed by a reptilian alien
In the school of bat country crazy, this American “analyst” graduates with flying colours. Tune into her commentary — replete with photographic evidence — explaining that Barack Obama has been possessed by a reptilian alien. “This is our tax dollars at work. Implanting our president,” she says.
Suzanne Blake are you taking notes?
It looks to me like the rabbit from Donnie Darko…
The “This is our tax dollars at work” comment is interesting – do we have an equivalent here in Oz? If so, will the program have to be stopped if the Health Insurance Rebate is cancelled?
Can this be the explanation for Barnaby Joyce?
Did they implant the control device into the reptillian before implanting the reptillian(s) into the President?
Ohhh really fifth? Surely the superheros of Crikey City are not possessed, why that would mean they are not commenting for the good of an open, honest Crikey City discussion but rather for their own, super inflated reptilian egos.
I would mean that their garbled posts would only make sense to others that were reptilian possessed and, to us non possessed reptilians, would be the intellectual equivalent of a all in cuddle party for dinosaurs, crocodiles, pariahs and one fluffy poodle.
OMG Voldemort lives!