A second Schultz set for federal run. Grant Schultz — son of Liberal MP Alby — is firming to join dad on the parliamentary back benches, as we first revealed earlier this month. His Liberal pre-selection in Gilmore is now certain, we’re told. And Alby will see off his opponents for pre-selection in neighbouring Hume.
Meanwhile, Crikey reader John Morgan reminds us it won’t be the first time a father and son have sat together in federal parliament. As a bio of Edward Riley (1859-1943) reveals:
“Riley, previously President of the NSW Trades and Labour Council, was a Member of the NSW Arbitration Court [until 1910]. In 1910 he was elected to Federal Parliament as the Member for South Sydney. A founding member of the Labour Party, he represented South Sydney until 1931. He lived at ‘Rosebank’ (Newtown) until his death in 1943. His son Edward Charles Riley, Founder of the Federated Clerks’ Union of NSW, followed his father into politics and was MHR for Cook from 1922 to 1934.”
Clive Palmer rules in Qld election. Queensland Greens spokesperson Libby Connors tweeted a picture of a Liberal-National Party billboard covered in cheeky graffiti, along with the line: “An exceptionally truthful election billboard ad. Love it!”
Emotional pitch for LNP votes. Meanwhile, a Crikey reader in Brisbane found this is his mailbox. “It’s a fairly emotive blast from a mother who sent a letter (unaddressed apart from the mailing address) stumping for votes for the LNP. Seems an expensive mailout (colour print, good GSM stock paper, postage paid envelope pre-stamped) — wonder who in the LNP or associated with the LNP funded this? Is it legal to send election material without an authorisation?”
Arts group turning over bosses. Which Victorian arts company has had trouble keeping managers in their jobs? We’re investigating …
I wonder which group defaced the bill board and is placing Keep Kate stickers on cars in Ashgrove?
Seven “Straddie Mothers” have had letters sent to Ashgrove electors
using their names and photos.. When confronted
by The Australian’s Michael McKenna, North Stradbroke Island
sand miner Sibelco admitted it paid for the mailouts .
The Electoral Commission is investigating.
The defaced Campbell Newman billboard has gone and been replaced by a beer ad. But directly opposite on a vacant block of ground sits this gargantuan LNP mobile billboard, as Melinda Howells says it is hard to get an idea of the size from the photo, but it must be at least 10 metres high!
The Keep Kate stickers were a waste. The access to coverage seems limited to me but I hope to wake on Sunday to the good news Labor has broken its 1974 record and finish with ten or less MPs! What happened to the Crikey election coverage? Edward James
@ Edward James
Keep Kate sticker were being placed on cars without owners permission in car parks.
The media were reporting it looked like either Labor and / or the GetUp.