Common sense lives here! That’s the motto of the YouTube channel of conservative Liberal Senator Cory Bernardi, whose comments linking bestiality and gay marriage saw him dumped as Parliamentary Secretary yesterday. One of his finest televisionary episodes comes from July, in which he seamlessly links the Olympics with boat people. If you want more Cory, there’s plenty to see at CBTV.
Video of the Day: tribute to Cory Bernardi
Common sense lives here! That’s the motto of the YouTube channel of conservative Liberal Senator Cory Bernardi, whose comments linking bestiality and gay marriage saw him dumped as Parliamentary Secretary yesterday. One of his finest televisionary episodes comes from July, in which he seamlessly links the Olympics with boat people. If you want more Cory, […]
What a lovely picture of the Queen.
We get politicians of this calibre in the Senate because too many people vote ‘above the line’ for the Senate and don’t put any thought into who they actually elect.
He looks like a lovely young man until you hear the filthy bile that pours forth from his mouth. Apparently he and Christopher Pyne loathe each other; that’s a dispute that’d be hard to pick sides on!
Picture of the Queen, the Union Jack more prominent than the rest of the flag – which country do you support, Bernardi?
What an ape.