Yes, four more years. But Team Obama had to endure some very nervous hours of counting before the first TV network called it, at 11.16pm on the east coast of the far-from-United States — just after 3pm AEST.
As Crikey‘s live blog documented, the states fell as most predicted. But this was a close race — and the popular vote is line ball. Mitt Romney is gearing up to speak as Crikey hits deadline.
Obama had a tough first term as the economy handed him a shit sandwich. He’s pulled it off and earned another term — although the election has not handed him a friendly House of Representatives. It won’t be an easy second term for him.
But fair’s fair — this is a night of celebration for the Democrats, and for a President of his times who has played the difficult hand he was dealt with some skill.
Sitting on the fence with a jarring and ambivalent editorial.
Not a word about the US Supreme Court embrace of money politics?
Or the fact the popular vote is near irrelevant given the marshalling of campaign resources for electoral college votes, not popularity.
Or preserving the synchrony with our own national government.
Are you simply pandering to the Right after the global damage done by the Iraq war inspired GFC?