Rinehart’s new book

Peter Matters writes: Re. “‘Mad beyond the dreams of Tamburlaine’: Rinehart book reviewed” (yesterday). Gina Rinehart is firstly a human being, secondly a money bags and thirdly a tough cookie. She adored her Dad, who adored her even if he was a true male machoist, got hurt when in his dotage he turned a gold digger into a trophy wife and thereafter obsessively fought firstly, to turn his big fortune into a gigantic one and secondly, to prove that a woman could outdo all the men. She deserves sympathy, for even with all the billions she can only buy satisfaction but not happiness.

The fact that people condemn and criticise her from a mixture of irritation and envy is grist to her mill. If she were treated with courtesy and empathy, she might even turn into a reasonable human being.


Niall Clugston writes: I don’t understand why Crikey’s editorial (yesterday) considers Labor’s appointment of Slipper as Speaker a “desperate political act” exemplifying the “grubbiest kind” of politics.

As far as I know, no one has criticised Slipper’s conduct as Speaker and his conservative background seems to equip him well for the impartiality required of the role. Anyway, this is not the USA where the Speaker is second in line to the Presidency. The job isn’t that important.

As for his private life, I think the broadcasting and raking over of his personal conversations is far more offensive than their actual content.

Les Heimann writes: Much comment about “there are no winners” concerning Slipper v Ashby. Absolute rubbish! Clearly the winner was Slipper and the loser was the conservative party dirt machine including all those serving the Liberal party politicians who set it all up.

Once again the media is allowing another dirty attempt to seize power, another Grech for an unscrupulous bunch of empty vessels wanting power.

Again no condemnation for the guilty parties. Much better to rabbit on about the “royal prank”.

Unfortunately Crikey seems equally vacuous. J’accuse.

Christine writes: As suggested in the article it’s time to move on. Before we do I’d love to know who has funded the legal action by Ashby. The legal costs are obviously much more than the regrettable $50,000 I helped to contribute to Ashby.

This story won’t go away for a while.

Has there ever been an earlier time in Australia of such nasty, negative, unfortunate politics?

Royal phone prank

Craig Emmerson writes: These shock jocks, as they like to be recognised, should think about the ramifications of their actions before they open their stupid mouths. This goes for all of them.

I listen to radio for the news and the music, not to listen to some hyped-up d-ckheads, who think they are clever, making a phone call that has tragic results. I put this act in the same league as the recent Murdoch phone hacking events.

Attention radio stations: check out who you are employing before you take them on and they stuff it up for all.