From the Crikey grapevine, the latest tips and rumours …
Keeping it in the family? Seems the workers’ hero Paul Howes loves to have a beer at the Carrington, in Sydney’s a-la-mode Surry Hills. He seamlessly wove the Spanish-themed gastropub into his Sunday Telegraph op-ed on … bike paths.
The piece didn’t mention that the Carrington is co-run by one James Wirth. Is that a brother of Olivia Wirth, Howes’ paramour (and Qantas spinner)?
The Sydney barfly who alerted us to the possible family connection reckons some Qantas staff functions take place at James Wirth’s pubs, including the Carrington and the Norfolk. We contacted Howes and Olivia Wirth but haven’t heard back; we’ll keep you posted.
Blame the greens. We’ve heard from a customer of Origin/Country Energy who’s not happy with what the power retailer is telling punters on their bills. Here’s the offending red notice:
Our electrified complainant reckons the bill is misleading, framed in a way to make the green-related bill hikes sound as large as possible, and blames the feds and green schemes when power prices hikes have come about for all sorts out other reasons as well. Why doesn’t the note include compensation for the carbon tax averaging around $10 per family per week? Does the bill make it sound like the “green energy schemes” are all federal, when some are state-based? And if the company wants to alert consumers to the extra amount on their bill caused by environmental schemes, why not also mention, as our mole suggests, “the huge increases in electricity costs to households entirely due to the failure of the electricity industry to manage peak demand by ‘smart metering’ and variable pricing to encourage lower consumption at peak periods?”
If someone would like to do draft up an alternative red note the company could be sending out to punters on their bills, submit it to Crikey.
That’s one expensive beer. The toffs at Sydney University Football Club (“the birthplace of Australian rugby”) certainly know how to charge. The SUFC is out to flog tickets to its gala dinner in April to celebrate 150 years of black eyes and brawls. You’ll need to cough up $240 per person to attend — and that doesn’t even include wine. You may consume beer or Fanta for your $240, but: “To cater for all wine connoisseurs, guests are encouraged to bring a bottle/s of their favourite wine. For those who choose not to bring their own wine for the evening, wine will be made available for purchase on the night.”
Crikey is all for BYO when it’s a $15 curry joint, but when you’ve forked out $240? Seems a little tight. The rugby-loving tipster who alerted us to the event agrees: “How to destroy a brand — ask your attendees to a celebration dinner and BYO wine after paying $240 pp,” they said.
Let the workers eat cake. Which company (which recently laid off hundreds of workers) has been celebrating the season with “several parties”, including one at a popular Sydney CBD bar? We hear “food included wagyu sliders, little hot dogs, tacos — with wines and beers flowing”. As our mole suggests, “I’m sure the laid-off workers will be delighted that all had such a jolly good time”. If you know more, fill us in here at Tips, and you can stay anonymous …
*Heard anything that might interest Crikey? Send your tips to or use our guaranteed anonymous form.
“The Tax also caused us to win less gold medals in London than we had hoped. Dunadin to miss winning his second successive Melbourne Cup…..
…….. Then again this is the Barry O’Farrell NSW Coal-ition state government, playing politics with your head! They’d be flat out laying a metre of power cord, down a wall with an iron hanging off, it straight.”