Not a stunt, perhaps, but fair to say the Opposition Leader won the media yesterday …
Crikey says: can’t miss the man in yellow
The union-backed super fund hitting News Corp where it hurts -- Crikey reveals the plot. Who would really benefit from a Liberal-hatched "just vote one" strategy? Why Sydney's rich white men have nowhere to go. Renewable energy stocks are back in favour. As is David Bowie, apparently.
‘…won the media…’ – exactly what does that mean?
Isn’t it curious that in the group photo, despite the fact that they are wearing a similar uniform, he’s the only one who looks like a w@nker.
A stunt or no stunt?
First test is whether the “volunteer” work was done without notifying press or TV.
Second test goes to his “support” of the local RFS. Things may have changed since I was a member on Dangar Island in the early 1990s. In those days when you joined a unit you were expected to attend and pass a basic course in firefighting at the local HQ which in my case was at Hornsby. This became represented by a discreet badge that we sewed to our uniform. I see no such badge on Abbott’s [very clean and new] uniform in these pics or on the TV shots I saw on ABC TV.
Is this a “fail” on two counts? Is there a significant difference between “support” and ” membership” that would make the stunt test a little more obvious to determine?
On the other hand if he has had no [obvious] training does not that bring serious risk to his firefighting colleagues, stunt or no stunt.
and why is he the only one wearing a helmet and goggles in those photos??
Seriously though, does his volunteering, whilst admirable, need to be the subject of a press release??
@Zut, clearly this is a quiet moment for the rest of the crew, but the Tony They Don’t Know is in helmet goggles and kerchief, looking a complete goose. He has a head start in that department.
Holden, to be fair, his skill at posing is formidable. When the Coalition replaces him and he departs politics in bad loser fury, there’s a career waiting as a Myer catalogue model.
Check out that stance, he’s naturally wooden at showing off different types of clobber – vests, uniforms, swimwear, headgear, sporting garb. He can even carry off the Executive range.