We thought the silly season was over …
Not that it’s not an important issue, of course — as some 100 nursing mothers demonstrated outside the Sunrise studios in Sydney this morning, outraged by presenter David Koch’s call for modesty in public breastfeeding. It’s just that the debate was run and won long ago. Wowsers lost.
And since when did anyone care what “Kochie” thinks?
Mothers may have made their point, but it’s the presenter who ended up with the inflated ego and the program with higher ratings.
Can’t we make a New Year’s resolution to just ignore “controversial” comments by disrespected boobs?
You summed it up with the one sentence
And since when did anyone care what “Kochie” thinks?
And who is ‘kochie’
… shurely that should be “…what, Kochie “thinks”??
It is naïve to assume that because legislation exists to protect a woman’s right to breastfeed in public that this means that the debate has been won. There remains a continued stigma which mothers confront on a regular basis and which the comments of Mr Koch and his like help to perpetuate. Unfortunately there are way too many people who do care what “Kochie” thinks.
As a mother I breast fed my daughter for 9 months, I did it discreetly if in public, rarely needed to(that was a personal choice). I didn’t want to expose my engorged breasts to some stranger!Bonus for me was the fact it was the first time in my life I’d had a cleavage 🙂
Now days there are nice parent friendly facilities for privacy and quiet time with baby or young child.
Women breastfeeding in public doesn’t offend me at all. I see it as a loving act of nurturing & mother child bonding. Breastfeeding is healthy and cost effective.
I guess Koshie wasn’t breast fed then?
He’s made a right tit of himself?