Australia: product of a broken home
Australia's same-sex parents -- Julia Gillard and Christine Milne, that is -- are splitting up. Gay marriage is obviously a bust. Crikey's cartoonist tackles the Greens dummy-spit.
article-article-bodyAustralia's same-sex parents -- Julia Gillard and Christine Milne, that is -- are splitting up. Gay marriage is obviously a bust. Crikey's cartoonist tackles the Greens dummy-spit.
The intro is a First Dog classic.
The final frame pretty much sums it up…if I could just add how the govt allowed the supermarkets to dud our dairy farmers. Even the Coalition didn’t agree with that – so it must be really really really evil.
Shouldn’t we be moving into a share household sometime soon? Learning to burn things and where the laundrette is?
ohhh! Ohhhhh! OHHHH!!!!
Dearest Doggest De La Luna Mio Mine!
OHHH! brilliant doesn’t begin to say enough about how wonderful this one is!! Yep, this one is right up there on the top of the charts, and I think should definitely be a poster, forthwith.
Yours ever truly, though recently less verbose,
Moi Aussie
From the intro at top….to punchline at the bottom.
You’ve outdone yourself today FD.
P.S. I can already hear the dulcet tones of that Marlton fellow, plagiarising your work on Sunday morning radio.
so many words. I hate it when I have to read instead of looking at the pictures