Unregulated markets will kill us all!
Brenda the Civil Disobedience Penguin versus multinational conglomerates. Today: Coca-Cola must die.
article-article-bodyBrenda the Civil Disobedience Penguin versus multinational conglomerates. Today: Coca-Cola must die.
Excellent FD, completely excellent. Let’s all fuck their shit up!
These are the sort of thugs which makes me wish I drank their sugar sludge, just so I could stop drinking it in protest.
Why does the average ocker love being raped?
Excellent FD, completely excellent.
These are the sort of thugs which makes me wish I drank their sugar sludge, just so I could stop drinking it in protest.
Why does the average ocker tolerate this sort of cräp.
Whaaaat…?! Firsty, are you sure people actually drink Cakky Cola – I thought it was for clearing clogged kitchen sinks.
The subtlety of Brenda’s summation in the final frame is masterful.
Does Chris Berg have a signature fragrance as well as a beverage?