In yesterday’s Fairfax papers, Bruce Guthrie highlighted (and he wasn’t the first, of course) our celebrity-obsessed culture and the pedestals reserved for stars of stage and screen and sport, while real heroes — medical researchers and the like — go unsung:
“It confounds me why we don’t celebrate people such as this. We don’t pay them enough either.”
And normally we’d agree, of course. But by god if Adam Scott didn’t just win the biggest golf tournament in the world, the US Masters — ending perhaps the longest jinx on Australian sportsmen. Bloody beauty.
Does it count that he’ll probably plough some of his $1.74 million winner’s cheque into his charitable foundation for youth groups?
We’ll remember the scientists tomorrow. Honest.
Who else but the viewsmedia gets to edit, frame, present and publicise those “real heroes”?
But, apparently, from the evidence, reckons that’s not of/in “the public interest”? ……. that sort of devotion of resources probably doesn’t sell copy (with the ad space) either?
……. So who are “the real” villains in this sort of censorship?
I reckon that’s the “amusing” thing about our viewsmedia :- they’re so busy looking to profit from “blame”. Looking for someone or something to pin “it” on, and sensationalise (in order to make a profit from a boost in circulation); to “entertain” (as they see it) – that they don’t have time to look at what they’re doing themselves, and what they could be “wasting their time” doing better? Like “serving society/the community” – in an impartial way?
“It’s” never their fault?
It beats me why these myopic media executives are being paid “x5(?)” what they’re worth doing what they do – based on “the fruits of their labours”?
Unless they’re being paid for their self-indulgent, navel-gazing, short-sighted opinions – and what they can keep from the greater public view?