Crikey and the Centre for Policy Development have joined forces to track what’s at stake in the 2013 election. PromiseWatch articles are spin-free summaries of the main promises on offer from the government, the Coalition and the Greens. In January and February Crikey began recording the initial pledges from the two major parties when the unofficial campaign kicked off a ridiculous seven-and-a-half months from polling day. Now, in conjunction with the CPD, we’ll examine promises portfolio by portfolio.

Both major parties are committed to similar carbon reduction targets but differ on how to achieve it

How the parties stack up on the national disability insurance scheme and “DisabilityCare”

Read what the Coalition and Greens think of Labor’s Gonski funding reform agenda.

Immigration is still a hot-button topic in Australian politics, even after last year’s Houston report.

Which of the parties can really be trusted to ‘close the gap’?

The legacy of WorkChoices continues to cloud the IR debate.

What have the parties pledged on tax?

Fibre-to-the-node or fibre-to-the-home? Voters will decide.

Do the major parties and The Greens care about the unemployed and working poor?