Crikey writes: Re. “PromiseWatch 2013: the NBN and broadband policy” (Tuesday). The PromiseWatch comparison on broadband policy didn’t properly reflect the Coalition’s changed policy in this area. We’re updating this series as more information becomes available; we’ve amended this article with the updated policy information.
Give Gillard some credit
Hugh McCaig writes: Re. “Richard Farmer’s chunky bits” (Friday). It’s been hell for Richard Farmer’s readers in recent times — maybe his negativity peaked this recent mid-week, so one can only hope that Richard Farmer had a period with more open views in that half century before the default position for his “Chunky Bits” became negativity about all things Labor — and in particular Australia’s Prime Minister, Julia Gillard. We’ve had months of it, week after week, with Farmer castigating Gillard for all manner of failings, without any serious attempt at an objective view of the Labor government as it has proceeded on a reform path with real benefits for the country and our people’s future. And Labor has accomplished significant reforms as Gillard negotiates her way through the minefield of a minority parliament.
An objective view of Gillard’s work ethic and skill would willingly acknowledge the following achievements: settling the Murray-Darling Basin fights; establishing a sensible paid-parental scheme; reform of Australia wide school funding; building the NBN; serious work in foreign affairs in the Pacific region, with Indonesia, China, India and the U.S., besides the all important National Disability Insurance Scheme, not to forget aged care reform. What Crikey readers need in its Chunky Bits regarding politics is a dash of balance and the reality of government.
Coalition broadband v NBN
Bob Lenstra writes: Re. “‘Conroy’s new BFF’ spills on How Fast is the NBN site” (Friday). Both proposals borrow the capital cost.
- Government borrowings interest rate 3.95%
- FTTP Capital cost $37.4bn
Capital finance cost. 37.4* 0.0395 $1.48bn/pa
- FTTN Capital cost $20.4bn
Capital finance cost. 20.4*0.0395 $0.81bn/pa
- FTTN copper maintenance cost(BIS shrapnel) $0.7bn/pa
- FTTN cost p/a $1.5bn/pa
The big costs per annum are the same for both, at about $1.5 billion per year. Therefore most variables, such cost of various broadband plans, will be the same. Other smaller items of cost and income will be similar for both. The only big variable is the FTTP project completion date being three years later than FTTN. Back-of-the-envelope numbers estimates the additional one off cost to FTTP is about $1 billion. However, FTTN will have to replace the copper sometime in the future. Using constant figures, this will mean an additional $17 billion
Upon privitasation, how will the market value each proposal? Most likely FTTP will have the greater appeal.
Glen Frost writes: I like James Brotchie’s infographic with animation that compares ALP NBN to LNP NBN. His article in Friday’s Crikey is 100% on the money.
However, the animation is not new: Dr Phil Burgess, group managing director, public policy and communication, Telstra, used a similar animation at a conference I produced in Sydney in 2008: I remember Phil’s presentation as clear as daylight as I thought it demonstrated the benefit of the NBN clearly. Unfortunately, Phil had ripped his trousers, and one journalist covered this (with cartoon) rather than the presentation.
I sold my TLS shares before Sol tanked the financial value of the company, so my interest is purely academic.
Monday 13 May Crikey missed the biggest story in the history of humanity.
Forget all the day to day trivia. I thought Crikey would have reported and commented on the weekend’s news that an observatory in Hawaii recorded an atmospheric CO2 reading of 400ppm. Once this becomes the global average, then a 2 degree centigrade rise in global temperatures will be the norm.
The hugely important moment in human history, a 400 ppm being recorded, means that we are basically stuffed. Humanity has not been able to prevent this and there is no evidence that we stupid humans will have the will or measures to prevent a 4 or 6 degree or higher rise in global temperature. In fact all the evidence shows that we are going backwards in interest, committment and political will.
Despite being active on the issue for a number of years, I now don’t care so much.
I won’t be around, and if the bulk of humanity don’t care or don’t have the wit then too bad. I am however very upset for what the future holds fo my grandchildren.
Anyhow Crikey and the media generally, keep up with the trivia. It all seems so pointless.
The greed and arrogance of politicians still has the power to shock me. Every Australian knows the economic climate is poor and the government has not been able to give us a surplus budget in six years. Everybody knows we have to share the pain. How is then, that not one politician decided to refuse his/her handsome 3% payrise last year? The sooner we have legislation that states politicians can never have a payrise rate higher than, for example, defence veteran superannuants whose payrise was 0.1%, the more likely they will get serious about working for the good of all Australians.