Crappy, indeed. Rupert Murdoch bought MySpace for US$580 million in 2005, failed to grasp where social media was going, and took a bath after selling it for just $35 million in 2011. Mark Zuckerberg — sitting on a company still valued at around $70 billion — probably doesn’t need the advice.
Broke? Australia’s credit rating remains at AAA; News Corporation has been rated by S&P at BBB+. Not even Tony Abbott could agree with you there.
In fact, Australia is by some measures one of the world’s biggest carbon polluters on a per capita scale — and your own company has launched a significant program to reduce its own emissions (“At News Limited, we believe the small steps add up to big change”). Now you’re disagreeing with yourself?
Time for a lie down, Rupert. Have a great weekend.
Yeh, but “fact (or consistency) and Murdoch” : like oil and water.
…. and he’s not even Australian.
It’s always a treat to hear RM’s opinion on matters financial, hilarity guaranteed.
Calling Australia “broke” reminds us of 1990 when RM was on the brink of bankruptcy but, grinning broadly, he assured the world’s media that his banks were firmly behind him. In truth, he just managed to scrape through.
What a shame.
Those were more “most humble days” of his life too?
There is no need for a parody Twitter account of Rupert Murdoch. He is the perfect parody of himself.
I don’t understand why Wendy lets him handle such a dangerous item as a mobile phone. Shorely no-one believes that he is still mentis compis? I wonder how her kids were conceived?