Everyone stop what you’re doing! Australia’s prime minister-in-exile has an announcement:
“I have come to the conclusion that church and state can have different positions and practices on the question of same-s-x marriage.”
Having not heard his name in a few days, and with Julia Gillard’s personal approval ticking up ever-so-slightly in the polls yesterday, Kevin Rudd just wanted you all to know he’d changed his mind on something.
A 2163-word essay on his personal journey to supporting marriage equality — tweeted to his 1.2 million followers last night — was followed by a nationally televised press conference this morning.
“For the record,” Kevin16 wrote, “I will not be taking any leadership role on this issue nationally.” Certainly looks that way, Kev.
His case for change is a genuine and compelling one, particularly for those with religious-based objections to same-s-x unions. It will no doubt change minds in the electorate and, perhaps more importantly, change votes in the caucus ahead of another conscience vote.
But as one of his commenters says on his blog:
“the only problem i have here Kev is why it took you so long to form such an obvious opinion? here i was thinking you were a clever man, yet when it comes to basic rights for a portion of our society you hesitated.”
Hesitated until it was too late to matter.
Front page news? So what’s his favourite colour? Is that tomorrow’s?
Relevance Deprivation Syndrome?
Or is this the start of the Kevin 2016 tilt?
At least he has seriously thought about it and decided he had been wrong.
Why do you snarks always think the worst of the man?
Gillard on the other hand has zero explanation for her rigid opposition.
He took over two thousand words to explain his position? And this will influence the right-wing religious fundamentalists? In order to gain the spotlight this man would throw himself in the path of an Airbus taxiing to take off, all in order to masturbate on a bed of rose petals. I’m not impressed–sorry!
May I have the name of just one person who works in entertainment or the arts or media who does not support homosexual “marriage”.? Not one person. Gee does that not make ALL those people collectively extremely clever. Hmmm or does it? Freightened more like of being ostrasiced by the loud mouthed homosexuality community in unison. A fear of the vicious retorts by a never ending pursuit in trying to convince younger and younger people that homosexuality is a good thing. What a sham, a joke is Kevin 07 for pretending to bow to the pressure of a noisy self interested bunch who have not the faintest concept of what “marriage ” really is. It ain’t all about havin’ new young blood to spill for pleasure at the local drug taking special events baths.