American drones

John Richardson writes: Re. “Will America park its drones on our lawn? Military men talk options“, Friday. Dr Patrick Cronin, of the Centre for New American Security, says: “I’m reminded of a schoolyard bully. Until someone bloodies his nose, he’ll keep going. If nobody bothers the bully, then people want to make friends with the bully … We don’t want to come in and dominate, we just want to keep the sea lanes open. We just want commerce around the world, peace around the world.”

Insight is truly a beautiful thing.

Peter Matters writes: There has been a long history of various imperialists shitting on Chinese heads. Now that China has proved powerful enough to stop this Euro-American pastime, we are becoming afraid of Chinese aggression. Yet, this globe has now shrunk to such an extent that humankind has become one tribe and we all have become interdependent.

The Chinese rulers may be dictatorially inclined, but unlike their 20th-century predecessors they are well aware that killing off one’s customers happens to be an unfailing boomerang.

Enough is enough when subsidising pollies

Gillian Pechey writes: Re. “Revealed: Craig Thomson lawyer in $36k NSW Labor cash grab” (Friday).  Look, I don ‘t think we taxpayers owe Craig Thomson any more money. He may be legally innocent,  but really … enough’s enough.

It amazes me that people on politician’s wages need so much more. Peter Slipper is an example. What do these people think most of us are living on?