As Prime Minister Tony Abbott gets sworn in to the top job today the media focus remains on his new cabinet — in particular the lack of certain pre-existing ministries, such as science and climate change, and of women, with Julie Bishop the sole female, signing on as Foreign Minister. She would have been joined by Sophie Mirabella had the latter won her seat, but Indi has now been officially called for independent Cathy McGowan.
Gaining almost as much media coverage between them as Tony Abbott are prospective ALP leaders Bill Shorten and Anthony Albanese, who will remain high on our list while the ballot is underway. Another leader, the Nationals’ Warren Truss, leaps up 32 spots but still trails his colourful deputy and freshly minted Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce.
Yet the biggest mover this week is Bronwyn Bishop, proposed as Speaker of the House, and who can expect far more coverage henceforth, as can Finance Minister Mathias Cormann, new Senator Arthur Sinodinos, installed as Assistant Treasurer, Andrew Robb, who shifts from Finance to Trade, and Environment Minister Greg Hunt. Also in the mix at state level was NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell following a week of bushfires in that state.
Crikey Political Index: September 12-18
Tony Abbott’s ministry and the ALP leadership battle dominate the airwaves.
Talkback top five
Despite remaining quiet as a church mouse compared to the last days of the election campaign, Abbott is the buzz of the Twittersphere by dint of his new job.
Social media top five
Clive Palmer and the North Queensland Cowboys were both screaming at the refs after the weekend — but it’s the Cowboys with an open-and-shut case after the worst blunder in NRL refereeing history dumped them from the finals.
Comparisons on media mentions
Andrew Robb will be Minister for Big Tobacco via the Trans Pacific Partnership