Is this Australia’s best politician?
As we begin to hand out our annual gongs, let the debate begin …
(You can still vote for the person of the year and Crikey‘s dishonourable arsehat: there’s plenty to choose from.)
The envelope please ... Who's Crikey's politician of the year? Policy examined: a federal universities takeover, and scrapping the health body advising on asylum seekers. How the ABC could answer critics on bias. The freelance economy: why we're ditching the boss. Plus what Fred Nile wanted for his wedding.
article-article-bodyIs this Australia’s best politician?
As we begin to hand out our annual gongs, let the debate begin …
(You can still vote for the person of the year and Crikey‘s dishonourable arsehat: there’s plenty to choose from.)
Abbott, striving for mediocrity …hoping to achieve it one day.
Abbott is NOT my Prime Minister. I didn’t vote for him, and will never accept that he won the race fair and square. Ltd. News won it for him!
Ly*ng bloody hound. Manipulating bloody press. Both as bad as each other.
‘the top dog’ – as in mongrel?
Best? Hardly.
Most prominent in terms of producing a train wreck – true!
In a heavily crowded field, Kevin Rudd leads by a country mile for arsehat of the decade. So, why isn’t he on the list?