A pall across a city. The media scrambles to cover every angle …
Seven pages in the Herald Sun alone. And for what? Some, with no connection to this poor family, will wallow in it. Who knows why. It’s too awful to read, surely. It intrudes on a family that has never needed privacy as much. It feeds sadness and anger but little else.
In Sydney, the press got hold of a handful of “one-punch” attacks and forced the government to act. Never mind that domestic violence — insidious, in the shadows — is the greater terror for so many.
Luke Batty died in a horrific case of domestic violence. If there’s any role for Melbourne’s tabloids over the days and weeks ahead in this tragedy, perhaps they could take up the baton.
Here we go again.
Gee those governments that changed the Mental Health Act, closed mental health institutions withdrew money meant for mental health, and saved on their budgets must be really proud of themselves now.
This is a direct, foreseeable consequence of propping up a crappy private health system with public funds, then gutting what remains of the public system, then changing laws to suit a bean counter recommendation. You all have this kids blood on your hands and you have been complicit in every one of these type of incidents since 1987.
It is a national disgrace.
Hey Tony; save some more money; get rid of nedicare so only the rich can afford help. You will save a packet.
Be nice if there is the same call to action as there was for Coward Punches
A “low priority” for Victorian police? What were they otherwise employed doing?
[Imagine if this happened in Qld, while our boys in blue were out chasing bikies?]
We have to change the coppers priorities as well. What politicians regard as public enema number one, we call bad luck; the irony is, the politicians should be the target, and locked up first, then we can become humane and a community again. This village, along with a lot of others, was unsafe to raise a child in. Think about that. Unsafe to raise a child in. WTF do we need police taken away from policing? They changed the mental health act to ensure more LNP voters were out to vote. They have now decriminalised crime so even more LNP voters are out and about.