What do you reckon the chances are of The Australian crafting something similar for budget night this year …?
Crikey says: who’s smashing the rich now?
A debt levy for a deficit of budget ideas? Bernard Keane's take. Plus the middle-class welfare on the chopping block. More extraordinary allegations from ICAC: Paddy Manning with one pertinent picture. The grim prospects for pregnant women on Nauru. The search for flight MH370: have we effectively given up? And another sign the Arab Spring has stalled.
The chances are Buckley’s and none.
Leave Murdochrags alone. Why stick our noses into a pile of excrement?
You beat me to it, zut!!
But what if it were true?
Nil nothing it will be all about the Tax the country needs or they will blame the Gillard and Rudd government’s for the tax, i like the name the TONY TAX.