*David Blumenstein is a writer/cartoonist/animator. He’s making his own cop show, slowly. He helped found Melbourne’s Squishface Studio. His little brother Tristian’s school reports are feared by liars and mouthpieces great and powerful.
The Sandpit: David Blumenstein
*David Blumenstein is a writer/cartoonist/animator. He’s making his own cop show, slowly. He helped found Melbourne’s Squishface Studio. His little brother Tristian’s school reports are feared by liars and mouthpieces great and powerful.
Well done. Toady’s facial expression in response to being offered sodomites is priceless.
If only ‘7.30’ or ‘Lateline’ had news footage of the above meeting …because there’s no doubt it actually took place.
And the seventh circle the most appropriate.. the outer ring, of course.. And Zut, perhaps he DID sell it after all!!
…..only some of his best friends???
Sodomites, Hypocrites, Tories. Much the same really (I mean sodomy as metaphor, not reality). I thought Toady himself was a Malacoda in the making, with Scrot his apprentice. Thanks for proving it, David.
Excellent. I particularly like the corporate bow tie.