*Chris Kelly is a cartoonist/graphic designer. He once turned a political cartoon idea into a political party, brought down a government and made an Australian state government take a 10% paycut. Seriously (google it).
The Sandpit: Chris Kelly
*Chris Kelly is a cartoonist/graphic designer. He once turned a political cartoon idea into a political party, brought down a government and made an Australian state government take a 10% paycut. Seriously (google it).
That last question – what about
“…. would you:
Go to a wedding, or write a book (without pictures) and claim those in-curred PR expenses on the tax-payer, then put that “allowance” to paying off your hex*?
*Boy, that was some witch?
Excellent work!
Seems higher edumaction was a doodle for this poodle. Regardless, I think Abbott will be dropping him sometime soon.
Good one, Chris. I see his thought bubble also casts a dark shadow.
When I first saw him I thought it was one of those other puppets, Sooty – with a beard?
Then again, he can be Snooty?
Australia can hardly wait for his next innovative policy.