From the Crikey grapevine, the latest tips and rumours …

Real estate agents defend developer donations? A reader was so surprised by this media release from the Real Estate Institute of New South Wales, they assumed it must be a fake. In the release, REINSW President Malcolm Gunning, who seems to be out to defend the highly controversial (and in NSW illegal — see ICAC) practice of property developers donating to political parties, says this:

“Developers have no confidence in local councils who are driven by local politics rather than good policy. Developers give to both sides of politics in order to have a voice with senior political figures.

REINSW does not condone or support corruption, but we do understand that the only way for developers to get their projects though the system is the intervention of senior politicians and these donations make this happen.”

OK, so you have to give money to pollies to get planning approval? Sounds a little dodgy to us, Malcolm.

Our tipster thought it was fake because it’s not on the REINSW’s webpage for media releases. We called the institute and they confirmed it is a genuine media release (and it was picked up by several business and real estate websites). For the story to have been picked up without highlighting the apparent condoning of such controversial practices “is enlightening”, our sharp-eyed tipster concluded. Gunning told Crikey he did not distance himself from the media release, and he was not condoning the donation practice, rather explaining why some developers did it. We report, you decide.

Splitsville. There’s a bit of talk about a mega-rich business mogul heading to the divorce courts soon. Apparently there’s a lot of cash at stake. Guess who?

Green grins all around. Happy World Environment Day! Sure, Australia has the highest rate of mammal extinction in the world, but there’s some good news around if you look for it. A Dutch company is working on a small rooftop wind turbine (story via Treehugger) which they reckon will be quiet and relatively efficient — would you install one at home?

Consultants with no outcomes. John Pilger’s documentary Utopia, looking at the living conditions of indigenous Australians, has been getting mixed reviews, and this tipster asks if the government should look at cutting funds for consultants on Aboriginal issues:

“John Pilger is trying too hard to keep relevant. He should retire his confected fury. Meantime, as a past recipient of a large amount of consultancy fees for an indigenous project, it would be valuable to get a summary of the expenditures per annum on the indigenous industry. Too many people ‘consult’ and we need to measure outcomes for the billions invested. As the federal budget is cutting ‘handouts’ to the lower end of the socio-economic level of our society, maybe it is too politically incorrect to question the money spent on indigenous handouts?”

Crikey’s fashion guide #1. Lachlan Murdoch sported a pair of RM Williams boots yesterday at a rare public interview in Sydney. RM Boots, Crikey has previously noted, are a fashion favourite of our political class (ping Tony Abbott). But the choice of footwear is interesting, as the chairman of RM Williams is none other than Ken Cowley, who was reported having a nasty swing at Lachie in the AFR last weekend. Cowley retracted and got trashed in the Oz for his trouble. Does the Murdoch heir’s choice of shoes amount to an extension of the olive branch to Cowley?

Crikey’s fashion guide #2. After a tense few months, things look back on track between the PM and the Indonesian President; Abbott tweeted this pic last night after finishing dinner with SBY. Crikey’s in-house fashion guru would like to commend SBY on his beautiful shirt, while the less said about Abbott’s outfit the better. Watch out for the PM donning national costume in France, Canada and Hawaii on this OS trip. Hawaiian-themed budgie smugglers, anyone? We can’t wait.

*Heard anything that might interest Crikey? Send your tips to or use our guaranteed anonymous form