”Aussies know how to fight, and I like having them in a foxhole if we’re in trouble.” So said US President Barack Obama as he refused to rule out a military response to this week’s extremist takeover of key Iraqi cities.
PM Tony Abbott also “won’t rule out” sending Australian troops into the quagmire.
As Guy Rundle wrote in Crikey yesterday, it’s impossible to overestimate the significance of the advance of militant group ISIS across Iraq.
But military intervention? Didn’t we try and fail at that before?
Yes, a coalition of Western military forces might turn back the tide of extremists in Iraq — or it might not. The latter is much more likely if past experience is a guide: as Bernard Keane writes today, the Iraq War was a multitrillion-dollar exercise in making Western citizens “less safe from terrorism”.
Australia’s involvement was also done without the support of our Parliament and on false pretenses. Any future involvement in military action in that country must be properly debated, and advocates must explain exactly what we’re seeking to achieve and how we know we’ll achieve it.
And before the US seriously contemplates any involvement, it should ask itself the one hard question the Bush administration and its cheerleaders in London and Canberra never asked: what exactly is the path out of such conflict? Because starting another war to prop up the Iraqi government could become immensely problematic if such a government can never govern Iraq.
Abbott’s sabre rattling in the US might work to impress the neocons, but this is one foxhole Australia should not be going down.
Don’t you mean it’s impossible to _over_estimate the significance of the advance of militant group ISIS across Iraq? It would be very difficult, at the least.
The coalition American camp followers are in charge and at it again. Atta-boy Tony you sic our Aussie diggers into another conflict we will not / cannot win.
By the way, spend plenty of money, after-all you just need screw the low to middle income Australian sheeples for a bit more -direct or indirect- tax, or sell off a few more gummint assets to pay for the adventure. Spin the Aussie sheeples a yarn to justify it; i.e. the terrorists will invade us, etc. Better still, a nifty three word slogan might suffice, as you know it has in the past, we Aussie sheeples believe all your utterances, even your lip schmacking is appreciated by many.
Don’t look now, but isn’t this a “r’Abbott hole” – and rather than “going down”, we’re more in danger of “disappearing up”?
I’m a bit worried about this punny “foxhole” – are we disappearing into a muddy WWI shell crater or a labyrinthine den?
Did the coalition of the arrogant learn anything from history, recent or past? Surely they’re not doomed to repeat it…