Modern Israel an occupying force
Marcus L’Estrange writes: Re. “Rundle: the tortured moral philosophy of offshore detention” (yesterday). Dyrenfurth has missed a key point. The leadership class of the Zionist movement, particularly since the old European Zionists faded from history, have had no intention of negotiating since 1947. They see Israel from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River. Nothing more, nothing less. The younger Israel generals convinced the then cabinet to start the Six-Day War because they saw the Egyptian army as not being ready for any military action for at least 18 months. They thought they would get in first. As soon as the war was over they started on colonising the West bank and The Golan Heights.
The Israeli leadership class have engaged in ethnic cleansing and like the Japanese, rewriting history and de-Arabising Palestine since World War II. Until you face up to that nothing will happen. The fight-back from the Palestinians is a result of despair of being under the occupying boot of the Israeli army, which grew out of the terrorist Haganah and Irgun gangs, among others. Palestine, for the last 2000 years, has been primarily an Arab/Muslim land, and I understand Israel is still trying, after 60 years, to find any remains of King David, who most likely never existed, so they can build a religious theme park such as exists in the US. Any connection between the Jews of 2000 years ago and today is largely a figment of one’s imagination.
Geoffrey Gardner writes: “When considering the major issues of the day that concern the living, not the dead — i.e. Gaza and asylum seekers — one’s thoughts turn naturally to post-Wittgensteinian moral philosophy.”
Indeed I’ve always thought it so, But it took Guy Rundle to nail it!
All Israel wants is peace
Stephen Marshall writes: Re. “Razer’s Class Warfare: tweeting pictures of dead Palestinian babies helps no one but you” (Thursday). Helen Razer openly admits not reading or knowing her history. So how do you let her grace your newsletter? Any person who genuinely seeks to learn and understand the history of this area will come to understand the truth. Israel wants peace. Always has. Those leading the Palestinians, as distinct from the populace generally, have no other intent than to wipe the nation of Israel and all her people from existence.
I know my history, I have seen ‘how this works’ for myself ;
… yes it may be true to claim that “Israel wants peace”, but at the expense of everyone else’s Peace (and real-estate).
“Israel” has always cried victim, but then been more than happy to ‘stick it to others’ with a malicious venom only justifiable (to themselves) on the near-psychotic (to anyone else) justification of they being the ‘chosen people of God’….I’ve been told this (repeatedly)to my face…we all have…for more than 46 years !
“Israel” had designs on this piece of land from as far back as 1938. The first terrorist car bomb in this region was Israeli.
..and before I am attacked for being ‘Anti-Semitic’…the usual knee jerk reaction to discredit reasonable debate, (ie;kill the messenger)… this is not about religion !
…This is about Humanity !