Labor is pressing ahead with plans to launch its very own Crikey, called the Labor Herald (see our story today). Labor Herald? Apparently, the names Toilers Clarion and Proletarian Blunderbuss were registered to someone else, most likely Glenn Druery.
Early subscribers, who are called “insiders” — good name, we must use that, oh wait — are promised many things, including priority access to announcements by Bill Shorten. Should these be done in the manner of KevinRudd2000 (“Bill lie down after big factry meet in Adelaide, he watch repeats of Everybody Love Raymond, have a little Bill time”), we will be at the phone with our Diners Club card. We would suggest a gig guide, but a simple listing of who’s appearing at which tribunal may suffice.
We wish the new venture well and suggest that its greatest value will be in pushing Labor to do some clear thinking about where to go for a party formerly based on a large and low-income working class, and guaranteed the support of a liberal section of the middle class, in an era when the former now has a unionisation rate of 20% and the latter are represented by the Greens.
Of course, the temptation for a publication billed as the “Labor insider” would be to turn scorn on its friendly critics, become a plaything of factions, and make elite movers and shakers feel good about their working-class roots, while avoiding the tough questions. But hey, that would never happen.
We also advise it to leave out any articles by Troy Bramston. Then, even if it contained nothing else and was simply a blank email, it would still be a good newsletter, and well worth subscribing to. Onwards!
In keeping with the tone [e.g. cheeky cynical snark]: They could call it “The Labor Bugle”, but might accidentally misspell it with an “n” and then you’d get the “The Labor Bungle”.
Of course, nothing could beat QuadRant (or even OO) for shear levels of poopaganda.
And oh yes, how cheeky, another new media venture. Just as the online Guardian is doing, bleeding subscribers away from News Corpse, Fairfax and even Crikey and providing another spectrum of information.
I often see names of former Crikey subscribers pop up in the online Guardian comments, they must have followed First Dog there.
Healthy competition for information and quality journalism / opinions with some blogs, Crikey and The Guardian. No need to ever subscribe to or read printed media or access any god awful News Corpse or Fairfax products.
What was that all about, Crikey?
Now we know where your ‘values’ lie (NOT with Labor), some of us may have second thoughts about YOUR output. I think Bill Hilliger is correct that some former Crikey subscribers have already departed.
Be careful who you insult, Crikey!!
Your suggestion that Labour do dome clear thinkin’ about their following, is a good one. They lost me to the Greens a long time ago, due to their failure to follows their historic values. Ah, well, there’s always the next life
Blue collar Labor voters don’t read much and no-one else would waste a moment of irreplaceable existence to bother with what will be a turgid, value & idea free exercise to keep interns & timeservers occupied while they await a safe seat nomination.
May they die of old age waiting.