Australians back the government’s refusal to provide further assistance in stopping Ebola in west Africa, but believe the economy has declined since the Coalition was elected, today’s Essential Report shows.
The report shows 58% of voters believe the government is doing enough to help fight Ebola, compared to just 21% who think it’s not doing enough. Coalition voters (74%) are most likely to think enough is being done, but so too do Labor voters (54%) and even a large minority of Greens voters (36%, compared to 42% who don’t think we’re doing enough). Voters are happy enough for the government to provide more money (53% to 31%) and even happy to send workers to build hospitals (48% to 37%) but are divided on sending medical personnel (44% in favour to 41% opposed) and are opposed to sending troops to provide security and logistics (36% to 48%).
Voters have rated the economy poorly over the last 12 months in all areas, with 50% of voters rating the economy worse compared to 12 months ago, and 28% rating it better.
Essential reveals 60% of voters rate unemployment worse, and 72% rate cost of living worse (despite very low inflation). Fifty one per cent believe public debt is worse; electricity prices are worse (67% — will the removal of the carbon price ameliorate that?) and 36% say wages have worsened in the last year (which is correct, given falling real wages). The only area where voters think things have improved economically is on company profits. On the specific issue of job security, 22% say they feel less secure about their jobs in the next two years; 35% say they feel about the same and 9% say they feel more secure. And 48% believe they will fall behind in terms of cost of living, while 31% say they expect they’ll stay even, while just 13% expect to get ahead.
On voting intention, the Coalition’s recent momentum has stalled. Its primary vote has dropped a point to 40%; Labor remains on 39% where it has been for a month and the Greens remain on 10%; PUP and Others account for 11%. That shifts the two-party preferred outcome back to 53%-47% in Labor’s favour, a poor outcome considering the recent national security and international focus, courtesy of Tony Abbott’s shirt-front diplomacy, was considered a boon for the government.
Essential also asked about approval for permitting euthanasia, with 66% of voters saying doctors should be permitted to assist a patient to commit suicide if living with terminal illness and severe pain. There’s minimal difference based on voting intention in that result; it’s a slight fall from November (68%) but opposition also fell, from 19% in November to 14% now.
Just shows how many people do NOT understand epidemics and pandemics, in relation to Ebola.
Without healthcare workers on the ground, it is only a matter of time before this disease spreads around the world. Think about the HIV/AIDS virus. Not a lot of difference really.
I suppose it will be blamed on others when Ebola finally reaches Australia – which it will, if more is not done to eradicate it at source.
But then, we are only talking about poor, black Africans right now. Guess they don’t matter too much according to this poll!
What are the chances we’ll eventually get a royal witch-hunt into this “Insulation Fiasco” – when it’s too late?
Yes CML (#1) epidemics and pandemics, like interest rates, should be the preserve of experts, not politicians.
Public health isn’t a question of doing what’s popular, or choosing not to do something because there aren’t any votes in it.
The government could defer on this to the experts, and even do some of the heavy lifting to explain to the public why the course of action they choose is necessary.
The story by Ben Solomon of the New York Times on the 7:30 Report last night was quite chilling. People are literally falling over and dying in the streets of Monrovia. Others are being turned away from hospitals and sent home to die. There are only 15 ambulance crews in Monrovia (pop 1.5 million) to attend the sick.
Whether or not most people care about Africans dying now, if we don’t offer help ASAP, instead of a small part of the third world under threat Ebola will be everywhere, and we might not be able to stop it coming to Australia without stopping all international air travel.
Hey, just a return to “I’m all right, Jack”. Of course it is not so simple, but it never is. Time for citizens to donate to NGOs that are doing something.
Agree, Well said CML and Phillip Monk.