Who does the photos in The Age’s Green Guide? They must be mortified this morning, after using the following to illustrate a blurb on Waleed Aly’s new career move …

That’s not Waleed Aly. That’s comedian Nazeem Hussain. He doesn’t look much like Aly, a Walkley-winning Fairfax columnist. But they do have one thing in common. Incidentally, much of Hussain’s comedy focuses on white people’s reactions to brown people. No doubt he’ll be getting material out of this for months.

Crikey contacted Green Guide editor Scott Ellis to ask how the mistake could have happened, and we were sent the following statement:

“As a result of a production error, a photograph of Nazeem Hussain wrongly appeared on page three of today’s Green Guide accompanying a reference to Waleed Aly.

“We have apologised to both men and apologise to our readers.”

Blaming a “production error” is in keeping with Fairfax’s response to similar screw-ups in the past. Unfortunately, we’re not quite sure what the phrase means … — Myriam Robin

Oz renews campaign. We had thought The Australian’s campaign against the Press Council had died down, but it roared back up again this morning after the paper published an article suggesting yesterday’s Press Council statement on responsible media coverage of the Sydney Lindt cafe siege meant it had pre-empted its own processes in ruling on media coverage. “Julian Disney has just dealt the Press Council out of any future complaints about the role of the media during this week’s events,” the editor-in-chief of The ­Australian, Chris Mitchell, said.

The article also includes criticism from former Press Council chairman David Flint.

Yesterday, the Press Council issued a brief two-paragraph statement warning media to be careful in how they report the siege, as a failure to report responsibly could have dire consequences. The statement didn’t mention any errors by any particular media outlets, but did say there had been “some deeply regrettable errors and exaggerations, spreading dangerous misinformation without any reasonable basis”.

Incidentally, Crikey portrayed that statement yesterday as a condemnation of the media coverage. It was nothing of the sort — the Press Council in fact praised most of the coverage. We’ve amended our brief. Myriam Robin

ACMA the world’s best? Speaking of media regulators, broadcast regulator the Australian Communications and Media Authority aims to be the best in the world, and is, on half of its indicators, already there. The finding comes from a new self-assessment report.

The report considers 113 separate business activities, 64 of which “are seen as fulfilling the character of world-leading performance” by the regulator. They include 43 proudly put forward as “case studies where the ACMA considers it is world-leading, or adapting to change through setting emerging practice” and 21 described as “sustaining, contributing to and supporting” its high standing in the world.

The remainder of the 113 organisational endeavours are broken down into two other categories signifying there’s more work to be done; 16 are seen as “emerging” with the potential to become examples of world’s best practice, and 33 are “still in development or [areas] where the ACMA aspires to further improvement”. — Read the rest of Steve Easton’s report on The Mandarin

Want to remove Rupert Murdoch from your life? There’s an app for that. Or a browser extension, more specifically. Bye Rupert, launched in mid-2013 and developed by The Aussie SEO’s Mat Carpenter, gives you all the news that fits your views. It blocks access to The Australian, The Daily Telegraph, News.com.au, The Courier Mail, The Adelaide Advertiser, The Mercury, The NT News, Perth Now and other News Corp Australia sites.

Carpenter told Crikey sister publication StartupSmart he had decided to develop Bye Rupert because he disagreed with News Corps coverage of the 2013 federal election. “In the lead-up to the 2013 federal election News Corp were publishing biased and misleading articles on their web properties in order to push their own agenda,” he said.“I was sick of reading these blatant lies, so I developed a Chrome extension that blocks all of News Corp’s websites — it seems other people felt the same, as it’s now gaining traction.” — Read the rest of Kye White’s report on StartupSmart

Front page of the day. The US government’s decision to re-establish diplomatic relations with Cuba after 50 years of suspicion and hostility wasn’t well-timed for the American print press, but proved perfect for the UK. The Times went for a bit of Cold War nostalgia …