For a time, Clive Palmer’s political success seemed testimony to what an outsized personality and a lot of cash could achieve: deploy $25 million in well-timed election ads, pick some ex-sports personalities for name recognition as your candidates, purport to be an outsider despite having been a powerful insider for decades and never, ever allow yourself to talk about details. The result? A gatekeeper role in the Senate, reinforced by an astute alliance with another upper house neophyte, and a consistent level of support in the polls — around 5% — that represented a remarkable achievement for a party less than a year old.
But since the new Senate began sitting last year, the flaws in the Palmer model have become apparent. Micro-parties virtually never survive success, and PUP rapidly demonstrated it was no different to predecessors like One Nation. Jacqui Lambie was always a strong candidate for going rogue, which she eventually did, and Ricky Muir didn’t last long as an ally either. PUP began slipping in the polls.
By doing deals with the government to pass legislation that he himself had often damned, Palmer looked less like a disruptive outsider and more like just another politician. Most of all, Palmer couldn’t maintain his strategy of endlessly moving from stunt to stunt and headline to headline without ever being held down to details. And his reaction when journalists did insist on pinning him down was unpleasant and very revealing.
Now Glenn Lazarus has departed — a far more unexpected outcome than Lambie’s departure, but of a piece with both PUP and previous micro-parties’ inability to resist fragmentation. And with Lazarus goes any remaining capacity Palmer has to play gatekeeper.
With the PUP’s failure in the Queensland state election, its shriveling to near-asterisk level in national polls and its reduction to just one senator, Clive Palmer’s political project, which began life as a vendetta against Campbell Newman, is now defunct.
“RIP PUP – You can’t fool enough of the people enough of the time.”
But what’s with this “Sanctimony of Journalism”, when so many of the prima ballerinas are more intent on abusing their position to push their personal politics and prejudices, playing favourites, making one side look better than the other, deserving to be treated with contempt – when they’re incapable of application of consistency in “pinning down” politicians of all persuasions (as is their wont for one side) to public scrutiny?
He may well have gone over the top once or twice but “on the hole” ….?
If Clive Palmer’s aim was to remove Campbell Newman from Queensland politics, then he seems to have achieved that goal with spectacular success.
Of course, he had a bit of help from the ALP with that!!!
Many pensioners would also be thankful to PUP for not voting for changes to the old age pension indexation and the medical co-payments, etc. Mind you, not that the MSM churnalists and stenographers would acknowledge that service, and keep old age pensioners from sliding into poverty over time.
Fing ’bout the Clivosaurus stopping the more baleful effect of the vicious Budget is that they were side effects to getting his own way – the right thing was done for the most wrong of reasons.
Oddly the apparently most intelligent of the PUPs, Dio Wang, is the one still, allegedly obeying His Leader which I doubt – he has yet to saya word or take any action so we wait & wonder.
Apart from his misappropriation of funds trial, the chances of His Immensity standing for Fairfax are like outer space, as near to zero as the laws of physics allow.
Good riddance and welcome to 2, soon to be 3, unaligned voices in the Senate.
7:30 last night :-
[“Coal-itionista” Sabra Lane (going in with opinions a-blazing) vs Palmer – does Wang support Pyne’s latest education policy as Lane said he does, or not, as is Palmer’s contention?]
I would have thought a “journalist” would have evidence to support such an assertion, rather than mere personal opinion, which seems to have been the case, because she didn’t offer any quotes or instances of such support of Wang’s?