On paying asylum seeker boats to go away
Ian McCance writes: Re. “Were we funding terrorism when we bribed people smugglers?” (yesterday). This is simply an application of the Coalition’s policy of Direct Action. Pay the source to have it go away.
Keith Binns writes: I hope that no-one at Crikey is naïve enough to expect some sort of investigation into the alleged people smuggler bribes. We are still waiting for an investigation into Peter Reith’s alleged aiding of the enemy during the Iraq war via the wheat sales. But part of me is drooling at seeing Abbott and Morrison fronting a Royal Commission on abuse of children in detention. Maybe in 20 years time …
Pat Kirkman writes: What an irony to hear Tony Abbott, on the anniversary of the sealing of the Magna Carta , state from the document, presumably in his own words: “No one is above the law, not even the king”. Does this apply to prime ministers too? If these allegations are true, no matter who passed over money, the buck stops with the PM and any other cabinet minister involved. I think the public is fed up with the secrecy, lies and cant propounded by our so called leaders — our servants, believe it or not. What other country would put up with this kind of behaviour? Time to get to the bottom of all this.
Michael Ryan writes: To take your report to the next logical step: if we establish the government has funded terrorism or aided the enemy, and Dutton and Abbott had won the citizenship debate, how would those responsible for the bribery feel if they were then exposed to having their citizenship revoked without a trial? It might be seem safe for them now because the government would choose to do nothing. What however would happen when a change of government and a new party, hostile to the previous party, inherits the broad powers Dutton and Abbott are seeking?
The cost of arts cuts
Karleena Mitchell writes: I should be spending my time in the studio creating work. Instead I am spending endless hours sending out begging letters for $30,000. Very disappointed that I did not get Australian Council Grant 2015. I have been selected for the Lorne 2016 art prize “Pandora Box” — I need this grant to construct my sculpture, and there will be a loss of my livelihood if I can’t source private funding. It will only impoverish Australian culture — my sculpture will participate in national debate, reflection, hope and civic engagement. As an immigrant I am getting used to Australian Monolithic culture. Well done George.
When will those of us who are appalled, sickened and disgusted by what this government is doing, stand up as a united group to end what is being done, purportedly in our name? Actions by the government taken in our name, while it strongly manoeuvres to withhold details of its cruelty, barbarity and questionable legality from our scrutiny.
Are we a minority? Do the majority of Australians really approve of this government’s asylum seeker incarceration policies, and its stealthy incitement of divisions in our society by stirring up fear of the Muslim citizens that are part of our communities?
Should we really sit back and wait for the next election before exercising a vote to make our disgust known? Really? When the major opposition party has shown itself to be of very similar views?
Surely we in Australia can be better than this? What, in the name of decency and humanity, can be done?
What, in the name of decency and humanity, can be done?
Convince people to put Liberals and Labor last on the ballot paper.
Or agitate for real democratic reform that allows citizens to bypass the political gatekeepers.