Leave the circus, join the LNP
Ken Lambert writes: Re. “Rundle: Labor signs on for efficient bastardy in an unsatisfying pageant” (yesterday). Guy should attend an LNP conference. Lots of motions debated and votes taken and no one knows who is from what faction because there aren’t any. Closed sessions are brought on for members only to consider finances and other non-public matters. Policy motions are put up by branches in a thoroughly democratic fashion. Why, there was even one about female genital mutilation by one of the many new Australians who fled from darkest Africa. And there is even a freedom from the crocodile tears and posturing by the taxpayer funded friends of the people smugglers and their running dogs who blight our 65” UHD screens showing the ALP circus.
Penny pinching v fire fighting
Richard Barlow: Re. “Mayne: are firies and council staff earning too much?” (yesterday). Maybe it is Stephen Mayne who is late to the party on the issue of council staff pay. He may owe the Hun an apology, they wrote on this very issue in October 2013, and in more detail.
Shine a light on the TPP
Ted Breasley writes: Re. “Show us the TPP” (yesterday). Great article. TTP appears to give away our sovereign power to several multinational companies. Can you let me know if it is legal for our politicians to give away our rights? From my understanding the multinationals can sue our government if we have laws that affect their profits including environmental and health laws. I would believe that our politicians should only enter arrangements in regard to our sovereign powers in the case of war.
Guy should attend an LNP conference. Lots of motions debated and votes taken and no one knows who is from what faction because there aren’t any.
As always, when someone writes something like this, it’s difficult to discern between naive sincerity and satire.