Not that long ago, allies of the Prime Minister were sufficiently worried about Treasurer Joe Hockey’s burgeoning reputation as an economic hard man that they backgrounded journalists to make sure the media knew it was Tony Abbott who “made the hard calls” within the government. After the disastrous 2014 budget, that backgrounding suddenly stopped.
Now, the PM’s allies are waging an orchestrated campaign to undermine Hockey — with a savage op-ed in the News Corp Sunday tabloids, and multiple stories about Hockey being dumped.
Sacrificing a bumbling Treasurer with poor communication skills won’t address the real source of this government’s political difficulties: the man who makes the hard calls, Tony Abbott himself.
What it will do is make an already chaotic government look even more self-obsessed, divided and buffoonish. Arthur Sinodinos’ contribution this morning — demanding that anyone leaking against Hockey be sacked — only adds to the impression of a rabble led by a desperate man prepared to do anything to cling to the prime ministership. To what end, we don’t know. Hockey, for all his grave faults, at least understands the need for economic reform. Tony Abbott appears to want the top job simply for the sake of being prime minister.
When the Rudd government was looking for ways to communicate better with voters, then-finance minister Lindsay Tanner offered some sage advice: “How about we just try governing?” Tony Abbott and his government would do well to heed that advice. Instead of in-fighting, undermining, and assessing everything through the prism of short-term politics, how about they just try governing? Who knows, it might address some of their political problems, too.
Maybe they just think they need a “sacrificial virgin” – has his spine been taken out of it’s box?
As for “Arthur Sinodinos”? To save some of us going off making irrational judgements about the credibility of such perspicacity from such a source, which one was that :-
[The ex Honest John Howard (“non-core promises”, “Iraq”, “Children Overboard”) kitchen cabinet advisor; who (along with the rest of this government) wanted to open a smorgasbord from our super spread, for “investment advisors/sponsors/donors”; the one with that as-suits greasy pole memory/responsibility he wore to ICAC?
Or another one?]
Just try governing? A great idea, but would they know where to start?
Abbott, Feb 2015; Good government starts today. Haven’t noticed that, Tony.
I think it is too late for this Prime Minister to start governing. He does not get it on economic reform, social justice or climate change. Let us start afresh.
I always thought that the Labor Partys biggest problem under Rudd and Gillard was poor salesmanship. They had good ideas to sell like the NBN, the carbon tax, the mining tax and Gonski. They even struggled to sell us on how they saved Australia from the GFC.
Of course it was tough going with Murdoch and the lying Abbott against them but they failed dismally.
Now we have a government with no big ideas to sell, no vision and no guts for reform.
Abbott, Feb 2015; Good government starts today. Haven’t noticed that, Tony.
Don’t forget “adults in charge”.
Never gets old.