As Crikey went to press, Australians were still waiting for the secretive Trans Pacific Partnership negotiations to conclude so we can finally learn the extent and detail of this massive free trade agreement. A final agreement was supposed to be made public this morning, but at midday trade ministers from the 12 Pacific rim countries — including our own Andrew Robb — were still locked in negotiations in Atlanta, with reported sticking points over agriculture and pharmaceuticals.
Thanks to WikiLeaks, we have seen several draft chapters of the agreement, but our own government has seen it fit to keep secret the details of a deal that could have far-reaching consequences for Australian voters and business — including the ability for foreign companies to sue governments for passing legislation that costs them money. And while the deal has been negotiated out of the sight of voters, the biggest US companies have not only been allowed to see the treaty text over the last few years, but in some cases have been allowed by the US government to dictate it.
The TPP has been criticised not only by NGOs, the Greens, environmental and health activists and human rights advocates, but by major economists around the world and by the hardheads of Australia’s own Productivity Commission, which has professed scepticism about the wild claims advanced by the current government about the benefits of preferred trade agreements.
If the Turnbull government fails to immediately refer the finalised TPP to the Productivity Commission for a full-scale assessment, there’s every reason to be suspicious that Australia’s interests have been sacrificed to those of large US corporations.
“Atlanta”? That would be on the other, east coast, side of the US? The Atlantic side? Symbolism or what?
Then there’s the matter of this you-beaut FTA with China this secret squirrel government wants to sell us….?
This will be a disaster for the people of Oz, no matter how the Turdbull government dresses it up.
I read overnight that there are many American groups who are planning to protest the whole deal. Maybe, just maybe, this government will be saved from itself.
If not they should definitely be thrown out at the next election. Perhaps too late, but better than more of this diabolical BS!
Generaly speaking, secret sell-outs … sorry … negotiations are kept secret because those affected adversely might not agree.
Or have I missed something such as the commercial-in-confidence escape clause, the non security equivalent of on-water fact obfuscation?
But, hey, Parliament gets to have the final word… doesn’t it?
Or is it like one person, one vote, once?
Thereafter the goverment can no longer live without fear of litigation by an alien entity before an alien entity?
If the Turnbull government fails to immediately refer the finalised TPP to the Productivity Commission for a full-scale assessment, there’s every reason to be suspicious that Australia’s interests have been sacrificed to those of large US corporations.
Of course they have. That’s been the primary objective of “trade” agreements for decades.
ChAFTA will be similarly catastrophic for most Australians. The people supporting these things should be up on treason charges.