Strewthwatch. Monday’s Strewth is always a sad affair, with Christian Kerr filling James Jeffrey’s unfillable shoes. However, yesterday Kerr had a story that didn’t come from opening the paper on his desk! But oh dear, it seems to be a bit of collateral damage for your correspondent, originator of Strewthwatch — a glance at the back of some Greens publicity to find out that it was published by “Arena Printing”, publishing arm of “impenetrable Marxist journal” Arena, which your correspondent edited for 15 years. Here’s the zinger: “‘Arena has never accepted government support … and is helped by its friends in a variety of ways,’ says its website. Such as printing contracts from the Greens.” So private company gets business from private organisation to fund self. Wow, Christian, that is a sick burn. True, though, Arena does pay its own way — unlike the right-wing Quadrant, which takes government funding to moan about government funding, and the “free-market” IPA, which has deductible charity status, so its secret donors can get a tax break. Your taxes at work. — Guy Rundle
KOB signs off. “It should go without saying, but I’ll say it anyway: the more complex our future as a nation becomes, the more vital the ABC is to that future,” Kerry O’Brien said as he signed off from Four Corners for the last time.
“I’m not retiring from journalism, just moving onto other things.
“In the meantime, go well and goodnight.”
Front page of the day. There should be more bobble-heads of political leaders in the world …
Nice ping grundle, well worth remembering – Arena does pay its own way — unlike the right-wing Quadrant, which takes government funding to moan about government funding, and the “free-market” IPA, which has deductible charity status, so its secret donors can get a tax break.
Jeez, I wish I lived in Brisbane so’s I could not buy the Courier Mail every day.