The Australian Sex Party will launch its campaign for the Senate in Melbourne tomorrow — but the dress code left us a little shocked. Sex Party leader and Victorian MP Fiona Patten will launch Dr Meredith Doig’s campaign at Fitzroy bar Naked for Satan on Thursday morning. Doig is hoping to nab the final Senate spot in July’s double dissolution election.

The party, which is known for its stunts, says the event offers “stunning visuals of the city” and “holy water vodka”, and the dress code is “clothing optional”.

This is all in keeping with the theme of Naked for Satan, a bar named after Russian migrant Leon Satanovich, who began making vodka in Fitzroy in the Great Depression:

“During the hot summer months, the combination of Melbourne’s soaring temperatures and the heat generated by the burners under the stills was unbearable. Satanovich often worked close to naked, distilling vodka in nothing more than his underpants. This moonshining was a guarded secret and those who came to partake, used the code phrase, ‘Let’s get Naked for Satan’.”