Doing the numbers

Les Heimann writes: Re. “Take a seat (or 20): election target has Labor behind the eight-ball” (yesterday). In my view Labor will regain five seats in NSW (including Eden Monaro); seven in Queensland; three in Victoria (including Corangamite); two in Tasmania; one in South Australia and two in Western Australia. That’s 20. Add that the current independents will retain their seats and we could see Tony Windsor back. The arithmetic is razor sharp — I believe the campaign will be crucial and here the mantra approach of the coalition together with attack ads loses impact over time. If Labor keeps on pushing “fair to all, steady as she goes we are a team” this will get them over the line. Also, Queensland should not be discounted as a possible landslide switch to Labor.

Mayne v Andrews

David Hand writes: Re. “Mayne: inside my plan to take down Kevin Andrews” (yesterday). Best of luck Stephen. For what it’s worth, the Liberals in general want moderate representatives but have to accommodate the extreme right to maintain the broad church Menzies talked about. Having an independent with liberal views knock of an arch conservative sounds like a cunning plan to me!