The Coalition announced its big election agenda this week with nary a mention of climate change. Bill Shorten, whose party has finally committed to an actual plan to combat climate change and significantly reduce carbon emissions, capitalised on the omission.
“[Malcolm Turnbull] famously said that he did not want to lead a party that was not interested in climate change. Now he has airbrushed climate change out of his presentation altogether,” Shorten said.
Turnbull hit back, claiming the Coalition’s uninspiring target was enough, and that Labor’s plan would cause electricity prices to rise. And besides, he said, Australia had committed to the Paris agreement and would review its targets again later, in concert with the international community. “The way these targets will rise in the future … is by mutual agreement. So one nation will say, ‘We’ll go up a bit more if you go up a bit more.’ That is the way these agreements are put together.”
Tell that to the Solomon Islands …
The Paris agreement requires zero emissions by 2100. There’s nothing “a little bit more” about that. We have precious little time to plan and execute complete replacement of our power for electricity, transport and aircon.
So now the Spiv thinks Tones non policy is enough.. He only crossed the floor on this issue in a desperate attempt to deflect his absolute lack of acumen in the Godwin fiasco….. what a laugh there he was calling the Prime Minister out with ultimatums like it was high noon.. Surely the pennies starting to drop that Turnbull is a spivy bottomfeeding sydney mainchancer with no solid convictions that don’t include money and him at front of mind..
The situation in the Solomon Islands is not so clear-cut as many eager commentators have suggested- see
According to the actual article (not the reports of it) the main driver of the increase in sea levels in the Solomon Is is wind-driven accumulation of water in the west of the Pacific, a feature of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation.
Incorrectly quoting research in this manner leaves an opening for climate change denialists to score points by claiming (correctly) that the actual research results do not support the claims made by ‘believers’ and ‘warmists’ in the media.
If the fairly flat Cayman Islands were under threat it would certainly arrest Turnbull’s attention.
Turnbull’s predictions are great ….. with his record of never being wrong?