Peter Dutton on Sky News:
“They won’t be numerate or literate in their own language, let alone English. These people would be taking Australian jobs, there’s no question about that. For many of them that would be unemployed, they would languish in unemployment queues and on Medicare and the rest of it so there would be huge cost and there’s no sense in sugar-coating that, that’s the scenario.”
That puts us in mind of something very similar said recently, now what was it again? Oh yes:
“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”
“Asylum for Rent – Only the literate and numerate need apply”?
Really, there’s no stoop so low that Dutton can’t glide underneath it with room to spare.
The people who are actually taking all those “Aussie jobs” are coming here with work visas that are given out in packets of corn flakes, so while nobody gets here by asylum, they can come in their hundreds of thousands by work visas that pass minimal tests in terms of prior testing of the market. Our border controls are airtight to asylum seekers, and leak like a sieve in relation to work visas and business visas.
And the huge immigration rates are a big factor in the inflated cost of housing.
The Immigration Minister’s comment is simply contemptible.
He accepts no accountability for his utter failure/denial of “duty of care” to refugees detained indefinitely under his portfolio. This Minister, defended by his Prime Minister, are in complete denial of the carnage inflicted upon refugees illegally detained without charge or recourse to law. Since at least the 1940’s we Australians’ acceptance of refugees has benefited our Nation. The proven refugee work ethic undeniably repaid us all tenfold. I look forward to the day when The Immigration Minister’s job is filled by a refugee!
The creature Dutton a demagogue? Trump is certainly a demagogue but the creature Dutton lacks the intelligence, the speaking ability, the leadership potential to be a demagogue. One look at his vacant face and slack jaw is enough to turn even the most gullible away. A word from his drooling mouth is enough for any listener to reach for the “off” switch.
“unless you think the treatment of several thousand non-Australians should be more important for an Australian political party than the opportunity to improve the lives of 24 million Australians, in which case it becomes a point of principle to become, in effect, a single-issue party.”