There seems to be a real lack of communication going on in the Liberal Party.

On Friday, Australian Federal Police commissioner Andrew Colvin said there was no way Senator Mitch Fifield could have known that an investigation into NBN leaks was underway or that there were going to be raids on senior Labor offices and homes:

Reporter: You mentioned the politicians contacted yesterday. Just to be clear, the relevant portfolio minister would be Senator Fifield. Would his office been aware of any point since December this investigation was underway and that raids could have been–
Colvin: No.

As it turns out, Fifield did, in fact, know. But he pinkie swears he did not tell the Prime Minister, his boss and the minister responsible for the NBN for two years:

“As an AFP investigation was underway, I did not advise other ministers or the Prime Minister of this matter. I have had no interaction with the AFP during their investigation. Nor did I have any knowledge of, nor involvement in, matters that occurred this week.”

Malcolm Turnbull also says he had no idea the police were investigating NBN leaks, and he learned about it on Thursday, like everyone else. Turnbull said on Friday:

“The first I heard of the AFP investigation was yesterday, when I was advised by the Justice Minister, shortly after he’d been advised by the Commissioner.”

As Four Corners will reveal in depth tonight, the Liberal Party has been funneling donations from banned donors through the Free Enterprise Foundation back to the Liberal Party of NSW. Former honorary federal Liberal treasurer Michael Yabsley has admitted to the ABC he knew it was happening. “Yes, I don’t think it was a great secret about the fact that that was happening.”

You know who didn’t know a thing? NSW Liberal Party treasurer at the time Arthur Sinodinos. “I don’t accept any responsibility for money being raised from prohibited donors,” he told ICAC.

They really should work on their internal email systems in the Libs. Seems like no one knows nothin’.