From the Crikey grapevine, the latest tips and rumours …
Nauru to Australian media: pipe down. The Nauruan people went to the polls last Saturday, re-electing the government of President Baron Waqa to its 19-member parliament. In just the second media release since the President claimed victory, the Nauruan Justice Minister David Adeang attacked the Australian and New Zealand media, saying that journalists should show more respect to the people and government of Nauru. He singled out the ABC, Fairfax, The Guardian and Radio New Zealand. “[Certain media outlets have] unethically attempted to influence our domestic politics by spreading lies, promoting Opposition MPs and refusing to report the huge progress Nauru has made over the past three years under the Waqa Government.”
He also said that the media had been left “humiliated” by the result:
“These activist-journalists kept saying we were stifling democracy, yet Nauru has always championed democracy, and this election was held under the scrutiny of international observers.”
“They lied about us ignoring the rule of law, but have refused to report the fact that our courts — thanks to our reforms — are now among the most independent and respected in the Pacific.
Adeang said the island nation was under scrutiny because of media organisation’s agenda against the Australian government, but that Nauruans are “sick of the lies and the lack of respect of our sovereignty”.
“They now must accept the will of the Nauruan people in a democratic vote, respect our country, our Government and the fact that we are a sovereign country not beholden to them, and start reporting the truth.”
Malcolm’s generosity. The Australian‘s Sharri Markson has reported today that Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull propped up the flailing Liberal Party’s finances during the election campaign to the tune of $1 million. It’s just small change for the former merchant banker, but a big boost to the party’s advertising efforts. A tipster tells us that Turnbull has a history of donations and keeping quiet about them:
“Malcolm’s got form as a philanthropist — he just doesn’t want anyone to know about it. Malcolm has been remarkably generous with all kinds of good causes, including as a donor to his old school.”
This doesn’t surprise us, but it is interesting to know.
If I could turn back time. The Twitter account of singer Cher is something to behold. Employing all caps and with a smattering of emoji, the goddess of pop gives her political opinions, the problems with the world today and a lot of feelings about Donald Trump. Cher also has a lot of feelings about Brexit and UK politics. Yesterday she tweeted this photo of Boris Johnson and Tony Abbott (yes, our former prime minister), calling them “Twiddle Tosser and Twiddle Wanker” (it seems that Abbott is the tosser and Johnson the wanker).
Not long after the original tweet she apologised to Abbott, because she had originally thought the photo was of Johnson UKIP leader Nigel Farage. She said: “ITS HARD 2DO,BUT WHEN U TALK BIG,U MUST APOLOGIZE BIG SORRY,THOUGHT I HIT PHOTO OF BORIS & NIGEL.IM A TWIT SORRY,UNFAMILIAR WITH TONY” (sic).
For reference, here is a photo of Nigel Farage, so understandable mistake.
Cher clarified to another user that she had chosen the wrong photo by mistake and wouldn’t slander someone she didn’t know or hadn’t properly researched.
Don’t worry, Cher, we got you babe.
Gotta catch ’em all. You can’t go anywhere without hearing or reading about Pokemon Go, Pokestops, Pokeballs and Pokegyms, so of course politicians are getting in on the obsession of millions of people. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s campaign has jumped on the hype by planning a meeting at the Pokestop in Madison Park, Lakewood, Ohio. The invite says:
“Join us as we go to the Pokestop in Madison Park and put up a lure module, get free pokemon, & battle each other while you register voters and learn more about Sec. Hillary Clinton!!! Kids welcome!”
Will Pokemon deliver Clinton election victory? We look forward to the thinkpieces in November.
*Heard anything that might interest Crikey? Send your tips to or use our guaranteed anonymous form
Doesn’t Waqa sound like a little Morrison/Dutton puppet!