Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has announced his first ministry for the 45th parliament, with only minor changes from the ministry taken to the election, a few demotions and appeasements to the Nationals and the conservative party, but no return of Tony Abbott.

In a press conference held in the Prime Minister’s Courtyard this afternoon after a meeting of the party room, Turnbull announced he would be recommending to the Governor-General several changes to the ministry for the 45th parliament.

“This is a term of government where we ensure Australians see their government serving them,” he said.

Turnbull said he needed to replace three ministers who lost their seats at the election — Wyatt Roy, Peter Hendy and Richard Colbeck. The latter could still be re-elected to the Senate when the count is finalised, and Turnbull said if that were the case, then Colbeck could return to the ministry “in due course”.

Who’s in the new cabinet?

  • Deputy Nationals Leader Fiona Nash gets local government and territories in addition to her regional development and regional communications portfolios.
  • Innovation minister, and South Australian Liberal MP Christopher Pyne moves into Defence in the new role of Minister for Defence Industry.
  • The “world’s best minister” Environment Minister Greg Hunt moves to Industry Innovation and Science.
  • Josh Frydenberg is now the minister for Environment and Energy.
  • Nationals Senator Matt Canavan moves into the Cabinet as Minister for Resources and Northern Australia.
  • Kelly O’Dwyer loses small business, and the assistant treasurer title with a new title of Minister for Revenue and Financial Services. Turnbull said it “better describes her full role and responsibilities”.

All other ministers remain as they were before the election.

Who’s made it into the outer ministry?

  • Paul Fletcher is the minister for urban infrastructure
  • Scott Ryan is Special Minister of State
  • Dan Tehan is the minister for defence personnel as part of his role as minister for veteran affairs, and will be the minister assisting the PM on cyber security
  • Michael McCormack picked up the small business portfolio from O’Dwyer
  • Karen Andrews is the assistant minister for education, vocation, and skills
  • Alex Hawke will be the assistant minister for immigration and border protection
  • Keith Pitt will be the assistant minister for trade, investment and tourism
  • Craig Laundy is the assistant minister for industry, innovation and science
  • Luke Hartsuyker returns to the outer ministry as the assistant minister to the deputy prime minister
  • Zed Seselja will be appointed as the minister for cultural affairs
  • David Gillespie will be the assistant minister for rural health